The governor dismisses the Kano commissioner following death threats to tribunal judges.


After what can only be described as unguarded comments, Kano State Governor Abba Yusuf fired Adamu Aliyu, the Commissioner for Lands.

According to our correspondence, Aliyu allegedly threatened state tribunal judges with death unless they admitted to taking bribes.

The Commissioner for Information in Kano State, Baba Dantiye, told reporters at the state government house yesterday that Governor Yusuf holds the judiciary in the highest regard and will not tolerate any disrespect towards them.

The governor also removed Aliyu Yusuf from his position as Special Advisor on Youth and Sports.

The dismissal comes a day after Aliyu threatened to bring more chaos to the state than what has been experienced in neighbouring Kaduna and Zamfara.

Thursday he told supporters of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) that “any judge that allows himself to be used and collect bribes and pass judgement that is not right, we want to tell him he must choose between his life and the bribe money he collected.”

“You have seen the conflict (banditry) in Zamfara, Kaduna, and Katsina,” he said. This governorship is the cause of everyone’s demise, I swear it. When fighting breaks out in Kano, it will be more deadly than the conflicts in those other states and Borno combined.

The statement rocked the state’s political scene, leading some to question the fairness of the election and the security of the judges presiding over the case.

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