Senators Holiday Allowance : I heard some of my colleagues got N2million each – Senator Ningi


Bauchi Central’s senatorial district representative, Abdul Ningi, has spoken out about the N2 million break allowance being distributed to his colleagues.

On Monday, before plenary was adjourned, Senate President Godswill Akpabio informed senators that a holiday gift had been sent to them from the National Assembly.

Akpabio had announced to his colleagues that the Clerk of the National Assembly had sent a token to their respective accounts so that they could all take time off for the holidays.

Many Nigerians have spoken out in response to his comment, with many claiming that he was insensitive to the plight of the poor at the time.

Senator Ningi, a member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), confirmed a few days after Akpabio’s comment that some legislators did receive the allowance.

While a guest on Channels TV, Ningi made this announcement.

To date, I have received no funds into my account. I’ve heard that some people have received N2 million, but I haven’t. He said, “When they straighten things out, hopefully [I would get].

He also took issue with Akpabio’s remark, calling it out of the ordinary.

The lawmaker went on to say, “Some of these things, if they happen, you don’t broadcast it the way he did.”

To quote one of the senators: “I think it is a huge embarrassment to the Senate President as a person and to the institution of the National Assembly.”The Senate President should have been more specific about the purpose of the budgetary breaks. How did he end up with all these free money? Who provided the stipends? Is that included in the compensation?”

Senator Ningi said it’s “difficult to take” that people are angry about the remark, and he agrees.

I have no idea how N2m would spend their vacation. The lawmaker from Bauchi Central said, “I find it very difficult to understand what this money is for.”

Since senators do not receive break allowance, he argues that it is incumbent upon their return to work to be informed as to the purpose of the funds in question.

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