Chinese man murders Nigerian girlfriend in Kano



On Friday evening The Kano State Police Command, has confirmed the murder of Miss Ummukulthum Sani of Janbulo quarters in Kano by Chinese national Mr Gheng Chu, a Chinese nationa.


In a press conference The Police Public Relations Officers, SP Abdullahi Haruna, confirmed the death saying that the command received a distress call on Friday evening at around 10pm and that the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Lawal Abubakar, dispatched a team to the scene.


He said, “the 47- year-old Chinese visited the residence of his girl friend, Miss Ummukulthum Sani, 22 were an  an argument ensued before he allegedly stabbed her many times with a knife.”


Haruna explained that when the Police team reached the scene of the incident they rushed the victim to Murtala Muhammed Specialist Hospital where she was confirmed dead.


Furthermore, Haruna confirmed the arrest of the suspect, saying that an in-depth investigation into the case had been launched on the orders of the Commissioner of Police.


Narrating the incidence to newsmen on Saturday, the mother confirmed that her daughter was in relationship with the suspect before she got married about three years ago.


She explained, “the marriage failed after three months which made the Chinese to stalk their house although her daughter never paid attention to him.


“But on that fateful Friday evening, the sound of his knock on the gate was too disturbing and I decided to open it and he pushed me and gained entrance to her room.


“He stabbed her multiple times with a knife in spite my struggle to rescue her and my cries for help were also not noticeable due to heavy rain.”


The late Ummukulthum’s mother said that a passer-by over heard the scream in the room, gained entrance to the room through the window and got hold of Chu.


She said that the deceased was rushed to the hospital by people who came to rescue her and that she was eventually confirmed dead.


The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) gathered that the late Ummukulthum Sani was a youth corps member serving in Sokoto state before her demise.


It was gathered that she was in a relationship with the suspect when she met her ex-hubby and he supported the marriage.


It was also learn that when he heard of her divorce, he returned to her and she reportedly refused to accept him back.

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