Nnamdi Kanu’s arrest very unfortunate, says Igbo group


•IPOB Leader Nnamdi Kanu2


Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) has described the arrest of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, as unfortunate.

Kanu was arrested by a combined team of Nigerian and foreign security agents in a coordinated interception.

The Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, SAN, disclosed this on Tuesday, at an emergency media briefing in his office.

Reacting to Kanu’s arrest through a statement jointly signed by its President, Prof Uzodinma Nwala, and Chairman Bureau of Media and Publicity, Abia Onyike, ADF described it as a sad development “for both the continued existence of the crisis-riden Nigerian federation and the struggle for the self-determination and emancipation of Igboland from the artificial Nigerian federation.”

ADF wondered why the Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government remained so keen in arresting Igbos while the blood sucking terrorists are languishing in detention and walking freely in Nigeria including the home state of the President.

It said the Igbo nation is groaning under the agony of the massive arrests, torture and killing of many Igbo youths by security agents.

The statement reads: “Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) has received the news of the arrest and deportation of Nnamdi Kanu to Nigeria and his subsequent arraignment in court in continuation of his previous trial.

“This development is very unfortunate both for the continued existence of the crisis-ridden Nigerian federation and the struggle for the self-determination and emancipation of Igboland from the artificial Nigerian federation.

“The arrest or elimination of Nnamdi Kanu from the scene of the struggle is most unlikely to result in the smashing of the spirit of the longing for freedom of the Igbo Nation or that of other Nationalities that are equally struggling to free themselves from the chaotic Nigerian federation.

“Earlier in the day, we saw a social media news item with the headline: “Nnamdi Kanu arrested and Boko Haram fighters released”. This news item summarizes the grave injustice in the Federal government’s attempt to crush Nnamdi Kanu and his IPOB supporters, while the blood sucking Boko Haram and other bandits are languishing in several detention and torture centers in the Federation the prowl throughout the entire Federation including Katsina the home state of Mr President.”

ADF called on the intentional community not to turn its back on the development taking place in Nigeria, especially in Igboland.

It equally call on all Igbo lawyers  to come together and defend Nnamdi Kanu as well as several other Igbo youths who are languishing in various detention centres and prisons all over Nigeria.

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