29-year-old man killed days to his wedding by Ebonyi vigilante

A man has been shot and killed in Ebonyi State a few days to his wedding.
The Nation gathered that Chukwudi Collins Chukwu was shot at close range at a wake-keep at Obiozara, Okposi in Ohaozara council area of the state on April 16.
The brother to the deceased, Mr Henry Emeka Chukwu told The Nation that the suspected killer Hosana Aju did not make any attempt to resuscitate the man he shot but instead fled.
Henry said, “The suspect was aided to go into hiding by a local chief and probably some of his colleagues in their community.”
He further said that his late brother married his wife at a traditional event on March 6 and was due to be wedded in church on May 1.
He demanded thorough investigation by police to ensure justice is done.
Henry said shortly after his late brother arrived for the wake-keep, the prime suspect also came armed with a locally-made gun.
“The suspect then made a few attempts to shoot his gun in the air but the gun could not fire and at that point, the deceased and his friend decided to move away from the suspect for their own safety.”
“Whilst moving away from the suspect, my brother was shot in the right shoulder by Mr Hosana Aju from close range and the deceased fell to the ground,” Henry said.
Police spokesperson Loveth Oda confirmed the incident.
She explained that the suspect was in custody and that he is not a vigilante in Okposi.
She said the suspect could not explain the source of a locally made double barrel short gun which he used to commit the crime.
Mrs Odah said plans had been concluded to arraign the suspect and called on community leaders in the state to report any person in possession of illegal firearms to the police. (The Nation)

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