Major shake up in Lagos SCID, Panti as police redeploy DCP Yetunde Longe


DCP Yetunde Longe

The on-going shake-up in the Nigerian Police System has hit the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) of the Lagos State Police Command.

SCID, Panti, Yaba, Lagos, on Friday, January 15, 2021, witnessed the redeployment of the Officer-In-Charge of the department, DCP Yetunde Longe, to Deputy Commissioner of Police in-charge of DFA of the Zone 2 Command (i.e. Lagos/Ogun).

On that day, she handed over the administration of the SCID to DCP Fayoade Adegoke as the new Officer-in-Charge of the Department.

Before her deployment as Officer-in-Charge of Lagos SCID in early 2018, DCP Yetunde Longe had served as 2iC at SCID, Lagos; 2iC at Area F Command in Lagos; Commander-in-Charge, Area F, Lagos; Commandant at Police Training school; as well as Deputy Commissioner of Police and Officer-in-Charge, SCID, Bauchi State.

Longe kick-started her official duties at the Lagos SCID with the mandate of rebranding the ‘old SCID’ from what it used to be known for. She began with the introduction of standard dress code for all officers attached to the department.

She went ahead to ensure the creation of the department’s official website and email address  ( & which was unveiled by former Lagos Commissioner of Police, CP Zubairu Muazu, all in a bid to bring Policing closer to the people.

Her administration as the Officer-in-Charge also facilitated the creation of an advanced 21st century audio-visual statement-taking room which was donated by the European Union through the support of ROLAC, also commissioned by CP Zubairu Muazu.

She equally facilitated the provision of electronic bio-data capturing machines attached to the Forensics section of the department, and facilitated several capacity-building trainings for policemen attached to every section of the department.

Longe’s administration also supervised the conceptualization, construction, and completion of a 300-seater conference hall and office complex fully furnished equipped with modern multimedia electronic gadgets, commissioned by the current Lagos Commissioner of Police, CP Hakeem Odumosu.

Under her watch Lagos SCID also prosecuted hundreds of crime suspects and ensured culprits are brought to justice.

DCP Yetunde Longe is scheduled to resume her new office at Zone 2 Command today, Monday, January 18, 2021.

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