Tragedy as thunder strikes 2 in Asaba




Chaos struck yesterday as two persons have been killed by thunder during a downpour in Mile 5, Ugbolu community, Oshimili South Local Government Area, Delta State.

Daily Independent gathered that the incident which occured at a makeshift shop at the bank of the River Niger claimed the life of a man and a woman while five others sustained severe njuries.

Though the identity of the victims were unknown, the man was said to be an Evangelist who hailed from Ugbolu while the woman was confirmed to be a farmer.

Our source, Mrs Gladys Okah, who survived the disaster revealed that she incident occurred after she entered a shop owned by a meat seller identified as Mrs Ortega.

According to her, “I was flung by the thunder into flood beside the shop. Everyone that survived was left with scars due to the effect of the thunder strike”.

It was gathered that the body of the victims wete taken to the mortuary by Police operatives from GRA Police Station, Asaba.

When contacted Police Public Relation Officer (PPRO) DSP Onome Onovwakpoyeya confirmed the incident saying that the body of the deceased has been deposited in the morgue. (Daily Independent)

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