DJ Neptune’s Behaviour Worries Fans


DJ Neptune is arguably one of Nigeria’s best entertainers whose craft

easily places him amongst the top 5 A-list DJs in the country in the
last decade.
Until now, DJ Neptune has played in the high stakes, perfecting and
honing his craft with accolades from industry watchers, entertainment
writers and fans. He simply could do no wrong. Its plan to see that he
was a natural when it comes to disk jockeying; he was born to spin the
wheels of steel, while also churning out many hit songs in
collaborations with other artistes that has catapulted his image as an
icon in his genre of entertainment all over Africa and the world.
DJ Neptune has played it so safe that he kept his private life out of
the public which was one of his most admired traits. He was simply
seen as serious, smart, good-looking and respectful.
Not many know that Neptune is married to the beautiful daughter of a
General and they have a beautiful daughter together.
With other stars beginning to keep it clean, the industry is now ready
for stars that would uphold family values and be good examples to the
young generation. TuFace has generally cleaned his act since he got
married and has successfully changed his Casanova perception in the
public sphere. Davido has such respect and love for his wife Chioma
that he flaunts her everywhere and makes marriage look pleasing and
that perhaps is why Whizkid has vowed to get married this year too.
While these stars who were hitherto seen as bad boys are moving into
good boy mode, Neptune sadly seems to be sliding into disrepute as he
is beginning to not only flaunt girls who are not his wife on the
social media of all places and changing his once admirable wardrobe
into what many of his fans feel is a deviation from the clean cut,
sharp dressing Neptune they fell in love with, not his new found
juvenile style of dressing which has got many in the industry
whispering their disapproval behind his back. His admirers and
professional colleagues believe he can do far better to dress hip but
not silly in tight fitting pants that are short in length and hugs his
crouch like a juvenile’s.
Undoubtedly, critiques view Neptune as the most promising DJ to step
into the shoes of the well respected Jimmy Jatt…he has proven he can
so far but industry watchers are worried that his new persona may
negate that dream.
An entertainment reporter said: ‘Neptune seems to be derailing from
what he is known and loved for, which is, a bit of mystery, distance
from groupies and seriousness, it is my hope that he recognizes this
fact and goes back to form because he is one of those set to rule the
next decade…if only he does not allow these new distractions he seems
to be embracing”.

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