2023 Presidency: I see gang-up against Ndigbo — Mbazulike Amechi



Elder statesman, foremost nationalist, Minister of Aviation in the First Republic, Chief Mbazulike Amaechi, is bold and fearless and has seen it all in Nigeria’s politics, given his vantage position as an activist and minister.

The 93-year-old octogenarian in this exclusive chat with Sunday Sun, warned of the danger ahead if the Nigerian leadership continues to lead without addressing key issues of equity, fairness, and justice.

Mbazulike, popularly called “The boy is good”, warned about the conspiracy to frustrate the realization of the president of Igbo extraction in 2023.

He also cautioned former President Goodluck Jonathan to be wary of his 2023 presidential moves and the footprint he would leave behind for prosperity.

He commented on other critical national issues, including insecurity and the way forward for Nigeria. Excerpt:

What is your view on the large number of presidential aspirants from different political zones angling to be president in 2023, and its implication for the Southeast ambition?

The flooding of the presidential arena with aspirants of all manners is simply to frustrate the realization of the president of Southeast extraction in 2023. It is a gang-up against Ndigbo and meant to upset, disconcert, disorganise and truncate their presidential chance in 2023. Traitors are on the prowl. Those who are coming out from the West are doing that to frustrate the East, and those who are coming out from the North are doing that to frustrate the South, but in all, directly and indirectly, the game plan is to frustrate Igbo presidency from being a reality. That is the simple reason, the focus of the game plan, but it can also turn to strength if the Southeast restrategises, first by cutting down the number of their aspirants to at least two, if not one. They want Jonathan to run so that they will have a claim to say that the rotation will now go back to the North. Then the North will continue for another eight years. I think Jonathan should be contended having served this country for six years as a president and of the six years, only a four-year term was he elected. Jonathan should be wary and be concerned about what history will remember him for. God just put him up. God has been showing him grace, from being a running mate to a governor in Bayelsa State, his state; he became the executive governor of the state with time. From being the governor of the state he was nominated as a running mate to Umaru Yar’Adua and he was made the president when the substantive president (Yar’Adua) died. So, he became the president of this country without contesting an election. I pray he will not be condemned by history forever as a traitor, if he goes on to accept from the North, his sponsors for the presidency slot. That he is presenting himself as being sponsored by some Emirs and their associates is the most treacherous thing I have never seen in life and in this his treachery, history will never forgive him. He will be bringing a bad name for himself and his children and his generation and successors. Jonathan should think about his reputation and the image, the legacy he will leave behind. When you benefit from injustice rather than address it, it is just a matter of time because a day will come when you will have a taste of the evil seed. Unless we build Nigeria on the basis of equity, fairness, justice, mutual understanding etc, there will be no future.

You led a strong delegation of some Southeast elders to President Muhammadu Buhari to reconsider the case of detained Igbo son, Nnamdi Kanu, and to apply a political solution…?

(Cuts in) The issue of Nnamdi Kanu is still on and negotiations are still going on, contacts are still being made. All I can tell you is that there is still hope. We are not sleeping. Let’s leave it there.

Insecurity in the land has continued on the increase. What does it point to, what exactly is the government not getting right?

You have to first know the cause of the insecurity as applied to different locations, regions. Insecurity in the Southeast, for example, in particular, it’s based on one thing…if Nnamdi Kanu is released today, there will be almost, total peace in the Southeast. In the North, there are so many interests in so many sections. In the Zamfara area, and the Kebbi area, there is a struggle for the wealth from the gold deposit. In the Northeast, it is a continuation of the battle of Othman Danfodio and the Borno Empire, which is interwoven with religion. In the Kaduna area, in the Jos area (Plateau State) it is a battle against Christians. It is a battle of Muslims against Christians. They are afraid of the growth of Christianity and they are fighting to stop, eliminate the growth of Christianity. So, in the different parts of the North, there are different causes of the insurrection. It will be correct to say that in different parts of Nigeria, there are different causes and you need to identify them so that you can address them appropriately.

What is your take on the price tag, N100 million, N40 million etc, for the purchase of Presidential Nomination/Expression of Interest form in some political parties…?

(Cuts in) It shows the level of corruption, the legalization of corruption, the institution of corruption, official rendering of corruption as a legitimate way of getting the power in this country. A candidate, for instance, who pays N100 million to his political party to obtain a form to contest for party nomination, when he wins the nomination then you need about N2 billion to prosecute the election. When he gets into office, that is, if even he wins and gets into office, how much will be his salary? His salary will be less than 10 per cent of all the money he spent, therefore, where is he going to recoup? He is going to recoup by looting the treasury of the state. The whole thing is a gamble against the oil wealth of the country; they are struggling for who will control the oil of the country, the wealth of the country that comes from oil.

Do you have an advice for those, for instance, coming out from the Southwest, those coming out from the Southeast as spoilers etc?

My advice to those coming out from the Southwest is that: the West should not allow itself to be used to keep Nigeria divided to the advantage of a section of the country that believes in divide and rule, splitting the South and ruling them, ensuring they are under their control. For those from the Southeast, they must show class and seriousness that they want the political power in fairness and equity and not for self-aggrandizement, or self-amassment of wealth by restricting their number to one. They should know how to do that, if they don’t know how to do it they should come to me and I will tell them what to do, and how to do it. The Southeast can still get the presidency if they know how to convert what is used to destroy them to their advantage and strength. If they don’t know how to reduce their number before the convention let them come to me and I will tell them how.

What of the presidential aspirants from the South-south; any word of advice for them?

They need to have a re-think and not sow an evil seed for the future. The world is like a looking glass in which you see the reflection of your face. They should be careful of the seeds that they are sowing today. It is sad, but I see those contesting from the South-south as traitors and as haters of the Igbo nation. One or two of them I learnt said that even though he bears Igbo name that he is not an Igbo man. That is okay, who wants him to be an Igbo man? Ndigbo is happy the way God created us.  We are not forcing anybody to be an Igbo man, anybody can belong to where ever he wants, but they should not be traitors in the cause of a nation.

For you, what do you see as a solution to Nigeria’s problem?

Nigeria’s problem is the absence of equity and balance, justice and fairness within the political system. If these continue to elude the country, I am afraid the future is bleak. Without equity, justice, and fairness to all, we will finally head for the rocks.

What is your greatest fear for Nigeria now?

My greatest fear for the country is that Nigeria is being seriously threatened by the actions of those who are in government. By that, I mean, the actions of government at all levels, starting from the presidency down to the state governors and councilors. The unity of the country is being gravely threatened and if we don’t take…I pray that the worst will not happen. (Sunday Sun)


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