Only peaceful revolution can save Nigeria from destruction – Former presidential candidate


The 2015 presidential candidate of the Na­tional Conscience Party (NCP), Chief Martin Onovo, has taken a hard look at the current situation in the country and the social life of the citizens, insisting that only a peaceful revolu­tion can save Nigeria from destruction and decadence.

Onovo, the Head, Policy Positions, Movement for Fun­damental Change (MFC), who spoke exclusively with our correspondent at the week­end, lamented that Nigerians have been suffering the conse­quences of their aberrations and blunders, reports Sunday Independent.

He stressed that the situ­ation in the country clearly justifies a peaceful revolution, otherwise, the current predic­ament would only get worse.

The seasoned politician and activist stated: “As Nige­rians, we are suffering the consequences of our aberra­tions and blunders.

“Many Nigerians are spir­itually corrupt; many are morally degenerate; many are sick; many live in un­healthy families; very many are multi-dimensionally poor; many are not properly educat­ed; many are unemployed; many children are out-of-school; many of our citizens live in insecurity and fear; many pray to escape from this country; many are in near despair.

“These are some of the consequences of our aberra­tions and blunders. The situa­tion clearly justifies a peaceful revolution.

“2025 can be the year of our Nigerian revolution. Other­wise, our Nigerian predica­ment will only get worse.”

Taking a look at the sit­uation in the country, he maintained that Nigerians can definitely do better, not­ing that God has blessed the country with the human and material resources to do very well, “but we have preferred lawlessness, laziness and cor­ruption.”

Onovo maintained that for the country to be better, Nigerians need to empha­sise and comply with the constitutional ‘National Ethics’, which he listed as discipline, integrity, digni­ty of labour, social justice, religious tolerance, self-re­liance and patriotism.

According to him, ”These are foundational universal values clearly listed in our constitution to guide us. Un­fortunately, we have preferred lawlessness, laziness, greed, dishonesty and corruption.

“Currently, corruption with audacious impunity is the norm. Public morality has been perverted. Lawlessness and impunity are celebrated. Corruption is revered.

“Consequently, unem­ployment is unprecedented; inflation is unprecedented, total national debt is unprec­edented, insecurity is unprec­edented and extreme poverty is widespread.

“Nigeria has dropped from the largest economy in Afri­ca to the fourth largest. Sim­ilarly, Nigeria with a current GDP per capita of $1,110, has dropped to the 33rd position in Africa based on GDP per-capi­ta. What a disgraceful perfor­mance.”

Onovo lamented: “Nige­ria has become a failed State, unable to take control of its territory, unable to feed our citizens, unable to pay our debts, unable to enforce our laws and unable to protect our citizens. We can do bet­ter.

“To do better, ‘leadership is key’. We have to get the right leadership. The right leader­ship is the one that is morally, mentally and medically fit.

“With the right leadership, we can plan better, control corruption and implement our plans efficiently and dili­gently to achieve our constitu­tional purpose of government which is the security and wel­fare of our people.

“We can do it. Yes, we can. Together we can. Let us pro­ceed. God will bless our efforts if we pray.”

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