About 5,000 federal civil servants risk not getting December salaries


According to Tommy Okon, the National President of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), around 5,000 federal civil servants may not receive their December salary due to inconsistencies in their first appointment dates and dates of birth.

The Nation adds that Okon stated that the union had sent the names of the impacted employees to their respective DHRs for confirmation, in collaboration with the HoCSF.



The president of ASCSN said that 2,772 employees had been reinstated to the federal payroll following the successful completion of their online and physical verifications.


“The physical verification of the ‘17,000’ core civil servants who were delisted from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was concluded in October 2023,” he said reporters yesterday in Abuja addressing the matter. As they eagerly anticipated the restoration of their monthly salary—which had been suspended since September 2023—those concerned were in a good mood.


“As of now, the only civil servants who have had their salaries returned are those who were wrongly delisted after completing verification. There are still 5,000 civil servants whose dates of birth and dates of first appointment are different.



There were no difficulties with the 2,772 that were verified and forwarded to IPPIS for payment. Please validate with your direct human resources department the identities of the 5,000 employees whose records show inconsistencies.


“To make sure the exercise is finished on time, there are six teams working extremely hard. Any public worker worth their salt should make it a practise to check the HOS website often for changes.


The wage for November 2023 has been finalised, as we have announced. Consequently, the impacted individuals will not be receiving their November pay.According to Tommy Okon, the National President of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), around 5,000 federal civil servants may not receive their December salary due to inconsistencies in their first appointment dates and dates of birth.


The Nation adds that Okon stated that the union had sent the names of the impacted employees to their respective DHRs for confirmation, in collaboration with the HoCSF.



The president of ASCSN said that 2,772 employees had been reinstated to the federal payroll following the successful completion of their online and physical verifications.


“The physical verification of the ‘17,000’ core civil servants who were delisted from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was concluded in October 2023,” he said reporters yesterday in Abuja addressing the matter. As they eagerly anticipated the restoration of their monthly salary—which had been suspended since September 2023—those concerned were in a good mood.


“As of now, the only civil servants who have had their salaries returned are those who were wrongly delisted after completing verification. There are still 5,000 civil servants whose dates of birth and dates of first appointment are different.



There were no difficulties with the 2,772 that were verified and forwarded to IPPIS for payment. Please validate with your direct human resources department the identities of the 5,000 employees whose records show inconsistencies.


“To make sure the exercise is finished on time, there are six teams working extremely hard. Any public worker worth their salt should make it a practise to check the HOS website often for changes.


The wage for November 2023 has been finalised, as we have announced. Consequently, the impacted individuals will not be receiving their November pay.According to Tommy Okon, the National President of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), around 5,000 federal civil servants may not receive their December salary due to inconsistencies in their first appointment dates and dates of birth.


The Nation adds that Okon stated that the union had sent the names of the impacted employees to their respective DHRs for confirmation, in collaboration with the HoCSF.



The president of ASCSN said that 2,772 employees had been reinstated to the federal payroll following the successful completion of their online and physical verifications.


“The physical verification of the ‘17,000’ core civil servants who were delisted from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was concluded in October 2023,” he said reporters yesterday in Abuja addressing the matter. As they eagerly anticipated the restoration of their monthly salary—which had been suspended since September 2023—those concerned were in a good mood.


“As of now, the only civil servants who have had their salaries returned are those who were wrongly delisted after completing verification. There are still 5,000 civil servants whose dates of birth and dates of first appointment are different.



There were no difficulties with the 2,772 that were verified and forwarded to IPPIS for payment. Please validate with your direct human resources department the identities of the 5,000 employees whose records show inconsistencies.


“To make sure the exercise is finished on time, there are six teams working extremely hard. Any public worker worth their salt should make it a practise to check the HOS website often for changes.


The wage for November 2023 has been finalised, as we have announced. Consequently, the impacted individuals will not be receiving their November pay.According to Tommy Okon, the National President of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), around 5,000 federal civil servants may not receive their December salary due to inconsistencies in their first appointment dates and dates of birth.


The Nation adds that Okon stated that the union had sent the names of the impacted employees to their respective DHRs for confirmation, in collaboration with the HoCSF.



The president of ASCSN said that 2,772 employees had been reinstated to the federal payroll following the successful completion of their online and physical verifications.


“The physical verification of the ‘17,000’ core civil servants who were delisted from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was concluded in October 2023,” he said reporters yesterday in Abuja addressing the matter. As they eagerly anticipated the restoration of their monthly salary—which had been suspended since September 2023—those concerned were in a good mood.


“As of now, the only civil servants who have had their salaries returned are those who were wrongly delisted after completing verification. There are still 5,000 civil servants whose dates of birth and dates of first appointment are different.



There were no difficulties with the 2,772 that were verified and forwarded to IPPIS for payment. Please validate with your direct human resources department the identities of the 5,000 employees whose records show inconsistencies.


“To make sure the exercise is finished on time, there are six teams working extremely hard. Any public worker worth their salt should make it a practise to check the HOS website often for changes.


The wage for November 2023 has been finalised, as we have announced. Consequently, the impacted individuals will not be receiving their November pay.According to Tommy Okon, the National President of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), around 5,000 federal civil servants may not receive their December salary due to inconsistencies in their first appointment dates and dates of birth.


The Nation adds that Okon stated that the union had sent the names of the impacted employees to their respective DHRs for confirmation, in collaboration with the HoCSF.



The president of ASCSN said that 2,772 employees had been reinstated to the federal payroll following the successful completion of their online and physical verifications.


“The physical verification of the ‘17,000’ core civil servants who were delisted from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) was concluded in October 2023,” he said reporters yesterday in Abuja addressing the matter. As they eagerly anticipated the restoration of their monthly salary—which had been suspended since September 2023—those concerned were in a good mood.


“As of now, the only civil servants who have had their salaries returned are those who were wrongly delisted after completing verification. There are still 5,000 civil servants whose dates of birth and dates of first appointment are different.



There were no difficulties with the 2,772 that were verified and forwarded to IPPIS for payment. Please validate with your direct human resources department the identities of the 5,000 employees whose records show inconsistencies.


“To make sure the exercise is finished on time, there are six teams working extremely hard. Any public worker worth their salt should make it a practise to check the HOS website often for changes.


The wage for November 2023 has been finalised, as we have announced. Consequently, the impacted individuals will not be receiving their November pay.


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