Ghana University embarks on professional skill training for Drivers


Commercial and private drivers in Ghana are now able to participate in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes offered by the Akenten Appiah-Menka University for Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED) in collaboration with DRIVERIDE NETWORK.

Road safety is a national priority, and the training programme is one way the university, businesses, and community are working together to achieve that goal.

Technical and vocational education as well as business development were the goals of AAMUSTED, which was founded by Act 1026 of the Ghanaian Parliament and subsequently ratified by the President in 2020.

In a statement made at the end of a two-day training session for a few chosen drivers in Kumasi, Professor Humphrey Danso, Dean of the University’s Faculty of Technical Education, said that AAMUSTED had noticed the need of professional drivers in Ghana needing entrepreneurial development and structured training in order to provide safe and customer-centered transportation services.

In his view, the University’s stated goals included doing research in areas covered by its mission and implementing learner-centered and problem-based learning programmes that were applicable to technical and vocational training and education.

In light of this, he stated that the University was prepared to launch the continuing professional development (CPD) programme for drivers in Ghana, which would assist them in obtaining licences granted by the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority (DVLA), hence enhancing road safety.

Professional training modules, in his opinion, comprised a variety of subjects, including the Driver Skills Development Programme (DSDP), CECD (Continuing Education on Commercial Drivers), and CEPD (Continuing Education of Private Drivers).

According to Professor Danso, the recent tragic occurrences that have taken place on our roads should serve as a wake-up call to the government, mandated agencies, religious leaders, civil society organisations, corporate Ghana, and individuals to reframe the narrative surrounding road safety.

He went on to say that AAMUSTED had previously earned a licence to operate as a driving school from the DVLA.

Specifically, he mentioned that diploma programmes will centre on Driver Science Skills Development training, and that degree programmes would offer comprehensive certificated programmes in the same area.

Vulcanizing Proficiency, Novice Trainers, Licencing, Driver Science Skills Development, and Driver Skills Development are some of the other certificate programmes available.

Following completion of the shorter training programmes, participants would be eligible to get certificates in Commercial Professional Driver and Private Professional Driver Training.

The Registrar, Mr. Augustus Kwaw Brew, emphasised the need of the drivers fully engaging in the training in order to enhance their driving science abilities and become acquainted with the latest driving trends.

After expressing gratitude to the training’s organisers and facilitators, he wished the Drive Skills Development Programme (DSDP) continued success.

In the first session, nineteen people came together to discuss topics like driver risk appreciation, how to perceive and manage driving hazards, driving psychology, essential preventive maintenance for vehicles, professional responsibilities for driver and vehicle safety, and practical sessions.

At the conclusion of the initial training sessions, all nineteen participants were given Certificates of Participation.

Some of the participants thanked the University, noting that the project was well-timed given the current state of road discipline.

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