Kings County: Adegboruwa slams Lagos Govt for disobeying court order


The Lagos State Government has been accused of disobeying a court order in a case between its Ministry of Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) and a property firm, Kings County.

Legal counsel to the firm, Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, SAN, in a press release issued on Friday, said that security operatives acting on the order of the state government stormed a property belonging to the firm, which is the subject of litigation, and removed all doors,  windows, claiming they had a demolition order.

The statement reads “This suit relates to a property on Alexander/Bourdillon Road, at the foot of the Ikoyi Link Bridge.

“It is the subject matter of litigation in Suit No. LD/8305LMW/2019, currently pending before the Hon Justice Ogunjobi of the High Court of Lagos State. The claimant erected the with full government approval, as a free Cancer Treatment Center.

“In this case, the Claimant has closed its case and it was for defence to open on 4th July, 2022 On that day, the claimant was in court with its lawyers but the witness of the defendants was not in court so further trial had to be adjourned.

“On July 25, 2019, the Honourable Justice Okunnu made an order, directing the parties to maintain the status quo in the case. In particular, the court directed the defendants, that is Lagos State Government and all its functionaries, not to take any step towards revoking or acquiring the property of the claimant whilst the case is in court.

“After the issuance of the order preserving the res, the Lagos State Government through the office of the Hon AG in the court proceedings of 30 Sept 2020, indicated on record that the Defendants are complying with the said preservative orders.

“On July 8, 2022, policemen said to be from the office of the Governor of Lagos State, stormed the building, removing its windows and doors. Upon inquiry, they claimed that they had an order to demolish the building.

“It is unlawful for government to seek to take the laws into its hands in order to overreach the case that is pending in court.

“The executive arm of government should accord respect to the judicial arm and not to give the impression that court orders have no value or impact.

“Government should not by it’s actions encourage lawlessness to such an extent that the citizens are provoked to take the laws into their hands.”

1 thought on “Kings County: Adegboruwa slams Lagos Govt for disobeying court order

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