Coronavirus: 17 test negative in Borno



Borno Commissioner of Health, Dr Salihu Kwaya-Bura, said 17 samples from Pulka village of those who had contact with the index case of COVID-19 in Borno tested negative.

Kwaya-Bura made this known on Saturday in Maiduguri while briefing newsmen on COVID-19 update in the state.

Kwaya-Bura, who is the Secretary of the State High Powered Taskforce on COVID-19, said so far, the number of infected cases in Borno is 15, adding that one victim had died bringing the number of deaths to three.

He said the committee had so far received 50 alerts, out of which only two met the condition for further investigation and that sample had been taken with the results being awaited.

The commissioner said that the committee had intensified surveillance particularly in border areas and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps.

He added that about 150 people arrested at the Nigeria/Cameroon border in Banki town of Bama LGA were put under quarantine.

Kwaya-Bura urged the public to support and cooperate with the state surveillance teams as they intensify tracking of those who had contacts with confirmed cases.

While announcing the decision to suspend the lockdown on Monday and Friday to enable the public to restock their food items, the commissioner said that hand washing station would be set up at markets entrance to ensure people wash before entering the markets and while leaving the markets.

“Physical/social distancing would be ensured and everyone entering the markets must wear face mask,” Kwaya-Bura said. (NAN)

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