Tiv youths, CSOs condemn invasion of DSS Headquarters by protesters


Tiv Youth Council Worldwide and The Guardians of Democracy and Development, Empowerment For Unemployed Youth Initiative and nine other civil society organisations yesterday condemned protest at the Department of State Services (DSS) headquarters.
According to the groups, the protest was carried out by unpatriotic Nigerians adding that it amounted to creating anarchy.
A statement jointly issued by National Convener, Guardians of Democracy and Development, Comrade Solomon Adodo and national president, Tiv Youth Council, Hon. Mike Msuaan, said the protest was an attempt to breach security at the DSS headquarters.
“The attention of the Guardians of Democracy and Development alongside our Civil Society partners has been drawn to the disruptive protest held by some groups around the vicinity of the National Headquarters of the Department of State Services. This act is nothing but an open call to anarchy, anomie and uncontrollable insurrection in blatant breach of national security.”
“We herein use this medium to draw the attention of the band of protesters that even though they are highly sympathetic to the cause of Mr. Omoyele Sowore, they should be well informed that they have the Courts to lawfully and peacefully channel what ever grievances they have to. The resort to protest and surreptitious attempts to breach the security at the DSS headquarters Abuja is totally unwelcome.
“Let it be recalled that Mr. Omoyele Sowore was detained on the very grievous charges of treasonable felony and money laundering in his unpatriotic plan to embark on a destructive and counter productive revolution campaign aimed at removing the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The action of these protesters lends credence to the fact that this hatchet plan has not been
laid to rest considering the fact that they held this protest at the principal security forte of the three Arms zone,” the group said.
The group said any call for revolution or violence of any sort should be condemned as the society does not stand to gain anything in the process.
“We therefore use this medium to call on all youth to distance themselves from being used as cannon fodder to trigger new breed of unbridled security challenges. We rather urge all able bodied Nigerians to redirect their energies towards intellectual and innovative revolution of inventive ideas that can create new industries and wealth in the process rather than being misled.
“It is a known convention globally that protests are not to be taken to the vicinity of National Security Intelligence Agencies. The protest therefore stands to be condemned by all well meaning Nigerians and true democrats who seek the development of our dear nation Nigeria. It should be noted that there are also civil society groups that are deeply sympathetic to national security and in the event that these groups embark on a counter protest in support of the Department of State Services, the DSS Headquarters would have become a field of protests and counter protest while security is disrupted. We therefore warn any individual or group that has any form of grievance or request to steer clear of the vicinity of the DSS Headquarters or any other of our national security services, they should rather channel their demands to the court of law where they will appropriately be dispensed justice,” the group added.
It called on the Department of State Services to strengthen prompt surveillance around the vicinity of the DSS HEADQUARTERS to the extent that any individual seen loitering around with no cogent mission should be immediately arrested and prosecuted.
“We cannot fold our arms and watch while certain unpatriotic elements will hide behind advocating for human rights to foment new strain of security challenges. Nigeria is ours to build and all hands must be on deck in this respect,” the groups added.

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