Drama as council boss is denied voting in Jigawa by-election 

For his failure to produce his voter card, the chairman of Gwaram local government council in Jigawa State, Muhammad Dan Asabe Sara, was denied voting at the commencement of the by-election  into the Federal Constituency on Saturday.
Sara, who arrived the Kofar Fada voting point in Sara at about 10.20 am to cast his vote could not convince the electoral officials to allow him to vote when it was discovered that he did not come with his voter card.
On arrival at the polling unit Sara made straight to the check his details.
Though he found his name with serial number 597,  Sara was nevertheless not cleared to cast his vote.
The following conversation ensued between Sara and the election officials:
EO: Sir can we see your voter card?
Chairman: (searches his pocket and could not produce his card), I’m sorry, I forgot it in Dutse. I was in a hurry to come and vote.
EO: Sorry sir you can’t vote without voter card.
Chairman: Do you know who I am? I’m the local government Chairman.
EO: I’m sorry sir I’m merely following the rules guiding the conduct of the election.
At that point the Chairman gave up and left, promising to come back to vote if he found his card.
The turnout of voters was generally low but the conduct of the exercise was peaceful. (Daily Trust)

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