Yinka Odumakin: 2 months already, By Dr. Joe Okei Odumakin




Time rolls into time and human beings dissolve into ordinary memory NOT to be felt in flesh ever again!

His mirth, his wit, his talk, his walk, his vision, his outrage, his freedom fight: The face which carried it ALL now belongs to another realm…

Yet, his ideals etched on our collective consciousness challenge our resolve to walk the path of patriots…We shall!

Once more, we are grateful to Almighty God who gave us a gem to own for a moment!

We thank presidents, monarchs, governors, chieftains political, temporal and spiritual; family, friends, media & others too numerous to mention!

The young who bore teary faces & those whose voices shook!

All with aches in their hearts when we mourned as one: How can we thank you enough?

It is by our pledge to ourselves and to ALL that what Yinka Odumakin died for shall live and thrive!

Thanks, God bless!

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