Court dissolves 28-year-old marriage over wife’s plan to kill husband


Customary Court sitting in Igando, Lagos State, on Tuesday dissolved a -28-year-old marriage of clergy, Paul Ekwe, on grounds that his wife, Chinwe was planning to kill him.

Ekwe in his petition, sought for a divorce, his wife as stubborn and quarrelsome. Delivering judgment, the president of the court, Mr Adeniyi Koledoye held that since the petitioner insists on the divorce after several interventions, “the court is left with no option other than to grant him his prayer and pronounced the union dissolved. He advised them to go their separate ways and wished them well. Koledoye ordered Paul to be responsible for the children’s education and general welfare. Paul had in his application for divorce, said: ”Chinwe made my home uncomfortable for me and my life unbearable.

“She refused to obey my orders but does things in her own way. She also turned all my children against me and she gave out one of my daughters in marriage without my knowledge”. In her defence, Chinwe, an evangelist, accused her husband of being a flirt.

”My husband sleeps with church members both single and married. He sent me out of his house and brought a married woman home as his wife.

”He defames me by telling people that I was planning to kill him. What do I stand to gain if I kill the father of my seven children? He is lying against me,” she said. She pleaded with the court not to grant her husband’s prayer for divorce, saying:” I still love him in spite of his adulterous behaviour”.




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