YABATECH chief lecturer dies of COVID-19


Late YABATECH Chief Lecturer Mike Omoighe


A Chief Lecturer and also a director with Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), Mike Omoighe, has died of COVID-19 complications.

A statement by YABATECH management on Tuesday said Mr. Omoighe passed on in the early hours of Sunday, January 24, due to COVID-19 complications.

Following the incident, the Academic Board met on Tuesday and was presented with the report of the acting Director, Medical Services on the death of Omoighe.

Until his death, Mr. Omoighe was the Director, Academic Planning Unit (APU) of the college.

The academic board reviewed resumption of academic activities and modalities for lectures. The implication is that the college has been shut down.

The board therefore directed the college to resort to online teaching immediately, lecturers are to adopt acceptable modalities for the online teaching.

It also directed students to vacate the hostel latest by Thursday, January 28, management to decontaminate the college, offices to operate at half capacity.

“Any staff who manifest Malaria symptoms should self-isolate immediately for two weeks and go for COVID-19 test.”

Other measures are that the Academic Planning Unit should be closed for two weeks and all staff of the unit must go on isolation, carry out COVID-19 test while the unit will be decontaminated before reopening.

The academic board also directed that the Medical Centre should be closed for two weeks and disinfected while staff who had direct contact with Omoighe should self-isolate and carry out COVID-19 test. (Daily Sun)


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