Adultery Scandal: Apostle Suleman reacts to reported IGP probe over Pastor Faith saga


Apostle Suleman

The President and Senior Pastor, Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has described reports that the Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, ordered a probe into the allegations of an affair with Pastor Faith Edeko as “bad press that sells fast”. Pastor Mike Davids, a former associate of Pastor Suleman, had made a video that went viral, in which he accused the highly-respected cleric of having an extra-marital affair with his estranged wife, Pastor Faith Edeko, who heads the Abuja branch of Omega Fire Ministries in Utako.

Pastor Davids also accused Suleman of threatening his life, stating that he could no longer sleep and that he (Davids) was prevented from seeing his children. In view of these allegations, the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, many media (not Vanguard) reported, ordered a probe of Suleman, who is also the CEO of CelebrationTV Network Ltd and Hossana Oil and Gas.

A letter entitled: ‘Re: Criminal Petition Against Apostle Johnson Suleman for Enticement of a Married Woman; Adultery; Unlawful Criminal Restraint to Access Children and Threat to Life’, with reference number CB:7000/IGP.SEC/ABJ/Vol.515/561, was made public on Monday morning. It read in part: “I attach herewith a copy of a letter dated December 30, 2020 with its attachments received from V.C Ezenagu & Associates on the above-underlined subject “The Inspector-General of Police directs that you treat. Accept the assurances of my esteemed regards please.”

However, in a riposte via his verified Twitter handle and Instagram account, Apostle Suleman said: “IGP orders probe on me? “Where, when? Maybe my ghost. Just reading stories now. Please discard. There is no such thing. Bad press really sells fast.” While many clerics have risen in defence of Apostle Suleman, he has reportedly sued Davids for N500 million.  (Vanguard)

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