Sex party: Shariah council backs el-Rufai on demolition of Kaduna hotel



The Supreme Council for Sharia, Kaduna branch, has thrown its weight behind the demolition of building promoting sex party in Kaduna.

This was even as it urged the state government to fish out other nude clubs operating in the state capital.

In a statement issued by the state secretary of the council, Sheikh AbdurRahman Hassan, on Friday noted that government should scan out other places where such illicit acts are being perpetrated like the ‘Ajagunle’ area in the metropolis.

The statement said further, “Allah (SWT) stated categorically in Suratul Hajj verse 41, thus: “Those who, when We empower them in the land, observe prayer, and give regular charity, and command what is right, and forbid what is wrong. To Allah belongs the outcome of events.”

“In line with this verse, the Council as an advocate of moral and social values commends the steps taken by the Kaduna State Government on the arrest of the organizers of the Satanic so called ‘Kaduna Sex Party’ and the demolition of Asher Hotel at Barnawa, Kaduna.”

“No doubt this kind of illicit act is one of the ingredients that is fueling the wrath of Allah (SWT) that we are inflicted with currently.

“The current merciless bloodletting through banditry, kidnappings, armed robbery, and host of other vices, are as a result of our derailment from ideal moral and cultural values.

“While we commend the Kaduna State Government for this commendable act, we also call on the government to scan for such places where illicit acts are perpetrated in the state, such as ‘Ajagunle’ area, off Maiduguri Road, in Kaduna North Local Government, where ‘Nude’ clubs do exist.

“May Allah strengthens our leaders to do right, may He protect our Imaan, the statement declared.” (Nigerian Tribune)

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