Electoral College set to seal Trump’s fate — yet again


A constitutional ritual that is normally a little-noticed curiosity will Monday turn into a symbol of the US political system’s durability while under assault from a defeated President seeking to overturn a democratic election.

Electors from 50 states and the District of Columbia will gather across the country to cast their ballots, which will confirm Joe Biden as the rightful 46th president and California Sen. Kamala Harris as vice president.

A moment of historic resonance will activate safeguards stemming from the founders’ fears nearly 250 years ago of a monarchical leader wielding unaccountable power to counter President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly spurned the fundamental principles of American democracy.

Earlier attempts by Trump to strong-arm local Republican lawmakers to produce delegations in swing states that would ignore the will of millions of voters and his election loss failed. So ballots cast Monday will confirm Biden will surpass the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. The ballots will be transmitted to Washington, DC, to be tallied in Congress on January 6, when a building – but almost certainly futile – rearguard by Republican lawmakers may expose a large rump of the party that has also turned against the democratic principles that underpin free and fair elections.

Despite the certainty of the constitutional choreography that will confirm Trump’s loss, several rebukes from the Supreme Court and multiple court losses, he refuses to accept reality and put the country first by accepting defeat.

“It’s not over … we’re going to continue to go forward,” Trump told Fox News in an interview recorded Saturday, before tweeting on Sunday that the nation’s top bench had “chickened out” by ruling Friday that Texas had no standing to file a case on his behalf.

Veteran Republican election lawyer Ben Ginsberg told CNN’s Ana Cabrera on Sunday that the blunt Supreme Court dismissals of Trump’s cases were “the briefest and most summary of dismissals possible. That is a signal in lawyer talk about ‘don’t waste our time with these theories that you are spouting out’.”


After slates of electors formally selected by voters in the indirect presidential election system in November fulfill their duties on Monday, Biden plans to deliver a speech on the resilience of US democracy. It will be his latest effort to unite a fractured nation even as the outgoing President seeks to doom his legitimacy with baseless claims of vote fraud.

The process will confirm, yet again, that Biden will take office on January 20 at noon, ending Trump’s one-term presidency – a fact that some, but still clearly not all leading Republicans, agree is now inevitable.

“I will just say that, obviously, he is the President-elect. He has 270 Electoral College votes,” Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, crossing Trump in a way many colleagues still refuse to do.

Indeed, 126 of Cassidy’s GOP colleagues in the House – including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy – signed onto the desperate complaint that the Supreme Court rejected last week and that an ally, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, blasted on ABC News “This Week” as an “absurdity.”

Since the election, Trump has made delusional claims he won landslides in states where he clearly lost to Biden. Judges have treated his frivolous claims of fraud with contempt. He’s turned on the Supreme Court majority he built because it won’t hear his fantastical cases. And now, the President is even considering firing his ultra-loyal Attorney General William Barr, who pointed out the truth that there are no widespread indications of the electoral corruption Trump insists cost him a second term. (CNN)

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