2020 WAEC: Nigeria to witness mass failure – Director



The Director of Theresa Montessori Secondary School, Afikpo in Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Ezeali Igwilo, has predicted that the country will record mass failure in the on-going West African Examination Council (WAEC) following the coronavirus pandemic which put academic activities on hold before the commencement of the examination.

Igwilo, who was reacting to his expectation in this year’s WAEC, said many students did not participate in the e-learning programme of the state government as a result of shortage of the required gadgets and regular power supply in homes.

Igwilo also said commercial activities unconsciously kept WAEC candidates away from both the e-learning programme and other forms of study that would have kept their brains alert preparatory to the examination.

“Immediately after the sudden closure of schools, some children vanished only to be seen at the commencement of the examination, five months later. During the e-learning in Ebonyi State, those who were available joined while those who could not afford electronics didn’t.

“Some even resurfaced from different places that they went for fishing. It is a bad situation and this is why I predict that their performances might be worse than what it was before now, though I am not praying for failure,” he said. (New Telegraph)

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