Blasphemy: Muslim lawyers endorse death sentence passed by Kano Sharia Court




Kano State branch of the Muslim Lawyers Association (MULAN) has endorsed the death sentence passed on one Shariff Yahaya Sharifa by an Upper Sharia Court in the state.

Sharifa was accused, charged, tried and convicted for the offence of blasphemy against the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).

The lawyers, in a statement at the weekend, noted that the offence under which the convict was charged was an offence known by the Kano State Shariah Penal Code and provided in Section 382(B).

The statement which was signed by the association ‘s Chairman, Muhammad Sani Garba Esq, equally noted that the convict had boldly confessed to his offence during the trial.

The lawyers said that the Hnourable Judge of Upper Shariah Court Hausawa, was right in his judgment in which he convicted and sentenced the accused to death for blasphemy against the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).

“This is because the Supreme Court has decided in the case of Abubakar Shalla Vs State (2007) 12 MJSC at page 52-53 paragraph G-B that the position of the Law under Shariah is that any sane and adult Muslim, who insults, defames, or utter words or acts which are capable of bringing into disrepute, odium, contempt of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) such a person has committed a serious crime which is punishable by death” they stated.

“They urged, “The general public should understand that Shariah is a Muslim Law applicable only to Muslims. Therefore any person who accepts to be a Muslim must obey the provisions of Shariah, irrespective of whether or not it pleases him.

“For people who don’t follow the Islamic faith we remind them that the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has guaranteed Nigerians to practice and observe the religion of their choice and be bound by its Laws and principles.

“Islamic scholars are advised to counsel their followers properly in seeking proper Islamic knowledge and always ensure peace and stability in the society* they stated.

“MULAN urges the Executive arm of Government in Kano State to ensure strict compliance to the judgement as part of its commitment towards proper implementation of Shariah” they stated.

The lawyers enjoined Muslim to maintain peace and remain calm as well as pray hard for Allah’s protection to Muslims all over the world. (Saturday Sun)

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