Broadband Penetration: Governor Fayemi crashes right of way charges from N4,500 to N145 per meter in Ekiti State


Governor Fayemi

In a bold and pioneering move to make Ekiti State the knowledge and innovation capital of Nigeria, the Governor of Ekiti State, Dr Kayode Fayemi, has signed an Executive Order reducing the Right of Way charges related to laying broadband or any other telecommunications infrastructures from N4,500 to N145 per meter.

Ekiti is the first state in Nigeria to comply with the National Economic Council’s approved Right of Way charges for broadband thus becoming the cheapest state for broadband infrastructure investment as 1km of cable will now cost just N145,000 as against N4.5m previously.

This Executive Order 007 of 2020 is part of the ongoing reforms by the Ease of Doing Business project inaugurated by the Governor last year to improve indices that will make Ekiti State an attractive destination for national and international investments in five years.

According to the Special Adviser to the Governor on Investment, Trade and Innovations, Mr Akin Oyebode, this decision will ensure Ekiti achieves full broadband penetration by 2021 to attract new businesses, create jobs, improve access to quality healthcare and digital education while improving internally generated revenue.

It is also aligned with the ongoing development of the Ekiti Knowledge Zone, designed to be Nigeria’s first service based innovation park.

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