Hunger protest: APC begs Nigerian youths


The Southwest Executive Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has appealed to all the groups planning to protest across the nation to have a rethink and retrace their steps for the interest and development of the country.

This is just as the region Executive called on all government officials and political office holders from the zone to return to their various bases to interface and explain the government’s sincere motives to their people on the need to abstain from the protest, reports Nigerian Tribune.

The call was contained in a statement issued by the APC Southwest Executive Committee and signed by National Vice Chairman, Isaccs Kekemeke and Zonal Secretary, Hon. Vincent Bewaji, who said the planned protest will be inimical to the progress of the country at this critical moment.

The APC leaders from zone who recognised the right of every individual to protest as enshrined in the constitution, but appealed to Southwest people to bear with the President Bola Tinubu – led administration, assuring that the pains will soon give away to meaningful livelihood for all Nigerians

The party communique read: “The Party in the zone recognises that every Nigerian has a right under our Constitution to Peaceful protest and express himself or herself over the programme(s) of government.

“The Party in the Zone notes the giant and monumental steps already taken by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration to give a new socio- economic direction to Nigeria to ultimately ensure prosperity and abundance for all Nigerians.

“The Party in the Zone further notes that, as to be expected, the monumental structural economic changes undertaken by the government have brought hardship to a great number of Nigerians. Members of the party in the Southwest are not insulated from the pains and hardship.

“The Party pleads with Nigerians to bear these temporary hardships and pains with patience and equanimity and assures that, in no time, these pains would give way to meaningful livelihood for all Nigerians”

It stated further that, “while acknowledging the right of all those who abode/live in the Southwest to peaceful protest, calls on all South westerners both home and abroad to refuse to allow the Southwest of Nigeria to be used as a theatre of war or Centre of criminality via violent protests.

“The destruction of the economic and industrial heritages of the Southwest, which it is yet to recover from the destructions during the End-SARS protest, is instructive.

“The Party calls on leaders of the Southwest including traditional rulers, leaders of opposition parties, Elites, Union leaders, market women, students, and Religious leaders in the Southwest to stand up and protect all socio-economic interests of the South West by ensuring that no violent protests of any sort are held in any part of the Southwest.

“The party in the zone urge all State chapters of the Party in the Southwest to continue to sensitize members of the Party and the public in their States on the need to keep the peace and tranquility in the region”

They stated that “The Party in the Zone calls on government officials from the Zone who are politicians to return to their various base to interface and explain government’s sincere motives to their people.

“The Party in the Zone calls on government officials from the Zone who are politicians to return to their various base to interface and explain government’s sincere motives to their people.

“The party in the zone categorically and unequivocally condemns the call for change of democratically elected government outside of periodic election and other legally provided procedures, as unconstitutional, illegal, undemocratic and provocative. Election losers, their supporters, and sympathisers must learn to wait for the next round of elections.

“The Party in the Zone pledges its loyalty to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and commends his bold, courageous, foresighted leadership of Nigeria.

“The Party encourages the president to continue, while doggedly executing the renewed hope agenda, to be mindful, of the present hardship facing Nigerians and to as characteristic of him, be flexible in addressing the negative consequences of government desirable programmes on ordinary Nigerians”.

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