I must complete my 8-year constitutional tenure – Makinde



Governor ‘Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, has declared that he remains a candidate to beat in the 2023 election, as he vowed that, he would complete his eight-year constitutional tenure as governor of the state.


Makinde, made the declaration, Friday, during a mega praise and end of the year Thanksgiving themed: “Halleluyah,” held at the Government House Arcade, Agodi Ibadan.


The mega praise attracted dignitaries from different walks of life, which included state government functionaries and other guests.


Makinde, while speaking, said he felt unbothered about the plans of the opposition to form a coalition to onstage him from the Agodi Government House in 2023, urging them to have a rethink on something else.


The noted that 2023, is not about new Oyo State, but to consolidate on the already laid foundation of present administration in the state which is about to take-off, tagged, “Omituntun 2.0.


Governor Makinde further said as an engineer by profession, his work is to build, unlike architect that draws, telling the oppositions to stop dreaming.


He, therefore, said, soon, the roadmap for sustainability development of the state from 2023 to 2027 and beyond will be communicated to the people.


Makinde, while quoting Psalm 65 verse 5 to allay fears in the mind of the people of the state, assured them that good governance will continue in the pace setter state beyond 2023.


He said: ” Those praying for the oppositions should engage in another prayer points for them, because they have already missed their ways.”


“We have already laid the foundation to turn things around in Oyo State. 2020 is about consolidating on the foundation we have laid.”


“In a couple of days, we will release our road map for sustainable development in Oyo State from 2023 to 2027 and beyond.”


“I don’t want you to be afraid, because it is God’s finished project and we have handed everything to God. And according to His words in Psalm 69 V 5, as shall not be put to shame. Good work will continue in Oyo State,” Makinde assured.


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