Editorial: Reforming our society: Who really is our messiah?


Judging from the cursory glance, Nigeria as a country, is bisected by myriads of problems, human suffering and diminished quality of life, have become order of the day. But the fact remains undeniable by all that, each and every individual constitutes to these problems, without excluding how we relate in our different societies. In lieu of this, our societies turn to be reflection of decay, corruption seeping through the fabrics of our societies is alarming, raping as an immorality turns to be top rated habits, terrorists create unrest within our domain, injustice is now a cankerworm that has eaten our society’s status to a state of stupor. No wonder, “Charity begins at home”, since our societies are shrinking already, which portrait do you give the nation? A dire need to reform.

Our attitudes towards the problems, will determine the changes we want. Some are of the believe of Government as a weevil, causing destructions, while some are of the believe of people, as being disastrous. Individual responsibility is an integral part of our society. Reforming is like an adult Baobab tree; no single person can accommodate it with both arms deployed. Not only hands, but all our sense organs, contained in the body need to fight for REFORMATION. A dire need to resist temptation, striving upon restraining ourselves from social vices. We can’t all be expecting changes while, trailing the path of believing that, since many people are neck deep into all these social vices, modernizing adultery into different forms in our neighborhood, turning the whole immoralities into their being, then, it is right. Time to fight our mindset upon the menace affecting our society. Changes start from us.

To what extent do we have to keep cascading each other’s flesh into the trenches of sadness maybe by raping or rather blackmailing? Satisfyingly, Love is nowhere to be found even within ourselves. Everyone is busy about the worldly desire forgetting to perform their responsibility. it is our responsibility to serve as guardian, to each other thereby sharing love among ourselves in our communities. If truly love reigns, accountability and transparency will surely set in, reforming people’s consciousness, creating avenue to be free from any means of corruption. Then, we can easily believe that faith, trust and justice will be establish among each other, without considering our status nor gender to jeopardize our living in our different societies.

In conclusion, it’s high time we stopped blaming each other for our failure, but ourselves for the rotten state and challenges facing our society. We should not only speak of being devastated by the menaces in our society, without performing our own responsibilities. In fact, it is said to exist that an object will be in a state of rest, unless it is acted upon by an external agent. Critically thinking, individual’s action speaks about the change we want. Thus, if certainly we act well, changed result is ascertained.

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