Editorial: Importance Of Technology In Accelerating Growth



 Technology age had erupted, to the extent that, its storm already swept away the image of the Universe as our forefathers strategised theirs. Nowadays, technologies connecting the modern world are among humanity’s greatest fulfillment. It should be noted that, though transformation had been into form, due to the fact that changes had occurred, but the main determinants of growth, are associated to capital formation, labour, and mainly Technology. Then, can we sail to the roles of Technology in accelerating sustainability?

 To reveal the master plan, the soul of every society is, its economy and the soul of every economy is the businesses. Technology and Innovation contribute immensely to the economic development of one’s nation by enhancing the efficiency of resources utilization, hammering through the discovery and creation of resources and diminishing the advantages of natural and physical factor endowment in Economic progress. To the extent that, most industry is established upon the cycle of technological developments because, increment in work output compare to the work input drastically turn to be quick and increases sales.

 Moreover, the impact of Technology and Innovation cannot be over-emphasized saving millions of lives. Recently, during an outbreak of Corona Virus epidemic, preventive measures are taken either through direct means or indirect means involving Technology. Trending the same path, the adoption artemisinin-based Combination therapy as the most effective anti-malaria medicine is certainly, technology based discovery. Also, Digital health is increasingly put into consideration as many electronic Health (eHealth) consultation, is already at our comfort zone. Today, many government workers uses mobile health system called mTRAC to record medical stocks around the countries and this easily gives avenue for healthy living among the citizens of a particular country.

 Moving on, people keep wallowing in poverty, screaming all day round, looking forward to so-called “Government” to satisfy their needs by employing them but, why don’t we be on a look out, considering the other way round? Technology had really, contributed immeasurably to the whole system thereby, making life easier and appreciative, to every individual. Why not considering Digital Marketing or rather freelancing job on Fiverr, Upwork or Afrilancer? Many people decided to embark on freelancing, offering their Niche to the people worldwide in order to earn, for their living, establishing small enterprises and making it known to people while at your comfort zone or rather, partaking in online businesses that is easily accessible and user friendly without mandating it for certain users, thereby decreasing unemployment rate.

 Talking about technology, is not a round table discussion because its contribution to the whole nation, is immeasurably by creating environment where ideas can be well utilized without excluding anyone. We can equally develop the country we want, if truly we want the system to change. The tool is already at hand. It is our responsibilities because we can’t keep complaining about the system without having the means to survive out of the atrocities. Time to consider technology as a means for sustainability.

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