Case of Igbo presidency just, moral — Okon Lagos



Actor-cum-comedian, Imeh Bishop Umoh, popularly known as Okon Lagos has made a case in support of Igbo presidency ahead of the 2023 general elections.

Okon Lagos, in an Instagram post, explained the Igbos have never in history been at the apex of leadership.

According to the humour merchant, the closest they’ve come to be at the helm of the country’s affairs is second.

Citing Nnamdi Azikiwe, the country’s President in the First Republic and Tafawa Balewa who was the Prime Minister, the movie star explained since it was a parliamentary system of Government that was in practice at the time, the Prime Minister had more powers than the President, who was merely a ceremonial head that could be likened to a Vice President in a Presidential system of Government.

So, Okon Lagos noted Azikiwe wasn’t Nigeria’s head in the real sense but Balewa.

Okon Lagos argued any attempt to acknowledge this fact and deny the Igbos the seat of power in the coming elections will be termed, a ‘function of political mischief and a deliberate clog in the wheel of progress to prospective national healing!’

The case and argument for Igbo presidency is just and moral. Refusal to acknowledge and uphold this truism is a function of political mischief and a deliberate clog in the wheel of progress to prospective national healing.”

Okon continued: “Before you mention Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, President of Nigeria in the first Republic, please note that Zik was president in a Parliamentary system of Government.

“In a parliamentary system of Government, the Prime Minister is the real deal…..the head of government while the President is merely a ceremonial head.

“His position and powers are likened to a Vice President in a Presidential system of government.”

“Zik wasn’t at Nigeria’s leadership apex. Balewa was!” the actor added. (The Nation)

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