PTECSSAN drags MTN to Ministry of Labour



The Private Telecom Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PTECSSAN) has dragged Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) before the Ministry of Labour over its failure to honour labour laws in Nigeria.


The General Secretary of PTECSSAN, Comrade Okonu Abdullahi in a statement called on the Ministry of Labour to take necessary measures to defend the labour laws of Nigeria.


According to him MTN cannot claim to be investors in People (IIP) and is not bothered about what happens to an employee who spent all his/her youthfulness within the organisation.


The union, which  noted that MTN has refused to honour the Procedural Agreement both parties signed, also said the telecom giant with total disregard for labour laws has turned down further negotiation of the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) presented by the union.


PTECSSAN while pointing out that MTN had failed to also honour the Ministry’s directive as regards the agreement reached noted that the company “continually refused to commence meetings to conclude the CBA as directed by the ministry.


It said even the intervention of the Nigeria Labour Congress on what it called the recalcitrant nature of MTN has been futile as the company has refused to obey the extant laws of the land and obey labour laws.

The statement read in part: “The union expressed worries that the Ministry of Labour till now has refused to transmit MTN appeal, if any, to the arbitration panel as it is bound to do under the circumstance.

“While the union has continued to follow due process to resolving any industrial dispute with MTN, MTN has continually used all controls within its powers to scuttle every effort of PTECSSAN and cause disunity within its fold.

“MTN cannot claim to be IIP certified and cannot have something as basic as an exit package for its employees.  Whatever MTN claim to have for its work force, is enjoyed by her management staff and only a very little fraction goes to the lower levels

“MTN pay exit packages to its Management Staff but refused to do the same to the lower cadre. (All exited/sacked execs have all been paid humongous exit packages but frowns at the lower cadre mentioning it)

“The management staff enjoys $15000 as lifestyle benefit yearly but cannot do no matter how little, for the lower cadre. MTN pays school fees for the kids of all its execs, but cannot have it mentioned by the lower cadre

“MTN GIVES and fuel generator to its execs and will not have issues about inflation and fuel price increase mentioned by the union,” it said.

The union wondered why the Ministry is pampering MTN stressing that failure to bring recalcitrant employers like MTN to obey international best practices is a remedy for disaster in the workplace. (Daily Sun)

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