Life in Boko Haram’s camp — Escaped Chibok girls



Two of the Chibok girls who escaped from Boko Haram and rescued by the military troops after successful operation have been recounting their experience in the custody of the insurgents in Borno State.

Mary Dauda and Hauwa Joseph escaped from the insurgent’s hands around Bama in the central part of the state and Ngoshe, Gwoza Local Government recently

“I was 18 years old when Boko Haram abducted us at Chibok. They took us to Sambisa then. We spent nine years with them in the bush before I escaped. It was tough there. We suffered a lot. They don’t give us foods always especially anyone that failed to observe prayer,” Mary Dauda disclosed yesterday in Maiduguri at the Headquarters of Operation Hadin Kai.


She said the insurgents usually kept watch on them and ensured they comply with their order.


Hauwa Joseph, the second of the escaped Chibok girls recalled their daily routine in Boko Haram den.


“We work daily and always: sweeping and washing plates. It was very difficult, sometimes, we are moved to another location,” she revealed


She could not recall the size of the population of insurgents and remaining Chibok girls at the camp. She said there were many houses at the Sambisa, Boko Haram operational base.


General  Officer Commanding (GOC), Nigerian Arny 7 Division Maiduguri, Maj Gen Waheed Shuibu said Hauwa Joseph who was on serial number 18 of Chibok GSS Missing Girly list, was  rescued by troops.


“Troops conducted operation around the Bama general area.


The operation conducted actually displaced most of the terrorists in the general area and Hauwa Joseph happens to be one of the people troops rescued from the area,” he disclosed.


He said Mary Dauda was also rescued on June 14 after clearance operation by troops at Ngoshe. The two have been taken to the hospital for medical attention.


Boko Haram abducted 276 schoolgirls at the Government Secondary School, Chibok south of Maiduguri, Borno State on 14th April 2014. The abduction drew global outrage. Over 100 have either escaped or rescued since then, leaving about a 100 still missing. (Daily Sun)

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