Save Rinu: Nigerian woman needs $100,000 for brain surgery


A Nigerian woman Oluwarinu Ajimuda-Jackson has called for help from the general public to raise $100,000 for brain surgery.

A note on a GoFundMe account started on Tuesday by her child Babara Ajimuda-Jackson read, “Early this year, she complained of headaches and started feeling weak. Family members thought it was the after effect of the surgery she had a few months ago.

“The headaches continued and this became a concern, she was immediately referred to the ER where she was hospitalised. It was then that a MRI scan revealed that she had a Brain tumour. Doctors have recommended an immediate surgery be done.”

Ajimuda-Jackson, 51, is the wife of Pastor Yemi Ajimuda-Jackson of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Victory House, Bahamas.

Writing further, Babara, who is currently studying at Laurentian University, Canada said, “Unfortunately, the funds needed for this procedure is far above what the family can afford. We are hoping to fundraise enough money to cover the costs of Oluwarinu’s treatment in Bahamas. The cost of treatment will cover the costs of the surgery.”

As of 11:40am on Tuesday, $136 had been raised.

The family also asked for prayers, promising to post updates about Ajimuda-Jackson’s journey on the GoFundMe account.


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