British PM and Chancellor fined over lockdown parties


Boris Johnson has been fined by the police for attending a birthday party thrown for him during a Covid lockdown.

The prime minister confirmed he had paid the fixed penalty notice for going to the hour-long gathering in the Cabinet Room on 19 June 2020.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak and the PM’s wife were also fined for the same event, and confirmed they had paid.

All three apologised for attending, but neither Mr Johnson nor Mr Sunak offered to resign.

In an interview from his Chequers country retreat, the PM said: “I accept in all sincerity that people had the right to expect better. But now I feel an even greater sense of obligation to deliver on the priorities of the British people.”

After six hours of silence, Mr Sunak released his own statement, saying: “I deeply regret the frustration and anger caused and I am sorry. Like the prime minister, I am focused on delivering for the British people at this challenging time.”

The fines come as part of a Metropolitan Police investigation into illegal parties that broke Covid rules in Downing Street.

Mr Johnson’s fine makes him the UK’s first serving prime minister to be sanctioned for breaking the law.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, Scotland’s First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, and Wales’ Labour First Minister Mark Drakeford are among those calling for both the PM and the chancellor to resign.

And all the main opposition parties in Westminster have demanded Parliament be recalled from its Easter break so MPs can discuss the matter.

Speaking on Tuesday, the PM claimed the event he was fined for was “a brief gathering” that lasted “less than 10 minutes”.

He added: “In all frankness, at that time it did not occur to me that this might have been a breach of the rules.

“But, of course, the police have found otherwise and I fully respect the outcome of their investigation.”

Mr Johnson also said he understood the anger the public might feel that he “fell short when it came to observing the rules that the government I lead had introduced to protect the public”.

But asked if he would resign, he replied: “I want to be able to get on and deliver the mandate that I have [and] also to tackle the problems the country must face right now, and to make sure that we get on with delivering for the people of this country. That is my priority.”

In his own statement released almost three hours later, Mr Sunak said: “I understand that for figures in public office, the rules must be applied stringently in order to maintain public confidence.

“I respect the decision that has been made and have paid the fine.”

The chancellor also said he knew the public “sacrificed a great deal during Covid, and they will find this situation upsetting”, and he offered an “unreserved apology” for his attendance.

‘Truly shameless’
The Metropolitan Police is looking into 12 alleged law-breaking gatherings across Whitehall.

So far, more than 50 fines have been handed out, with more expected.

The Covid 19 Bereaved Families for Justice group said there was “simply no way either the prime minister or chancellor can continue” in their jobs, calling their actions “truly shameless”.

Labour’s Sir Keir said the fines showed the Conservatives were “totally unfit to govern”, adding: “Britain deserves better.”

And the SNP’s Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, said the PM and chancellor had “insulted the millions of people who faithfully followed the rules”.

The Green Party echoed calls for the pair to resign, while Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: “This is a government in crisis neglecting a country in crisis.”

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross called Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak’s behaviour “unacceptable”, but he said removing them during the war in Ukraine “would destabilise the UK government when we need to be united in the face of Russian aggression”.

Some ministers have also tweeted their support for the PM, with Tory Chair Amanda Milling insisting he continued to be “the right person to lead the country”.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss – who has been described as a front-runner to lead the Conservatives in the event of a leadership race – also added her support for the prime minister and chancellor.

She tweeted that both men were “delivering for Britain on many fronts” and “have my 100% backing”.

Other Cabinet members, including Michael Gove, Simon Clarke and Kwasi Kwarteng, have also tweeted their support.

Reports of parties being held in Downing Street during Covid lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 first emerged in December last year.

Mr Johnson initially insisted that “guidelines were followed at all times”.

As more gatherings were revealed, the prime minister apologised for attending a drinks party in the Downing Street garden, but told Parliament he believed he had been attending a work event.

Mr Sunak was also asked in the Commons in December 2021 if he had attended Christmas parties said to have taken place the previous year.

He replied: “No, I did not attend any parties.”

Mr Johnson ordered an inquiry into the allegations of rule-breaking, led by senior civil servant Sue Gray.

The Met initially said it would not retrospectively investigate the allegations unless “significant evidence” of a regulation breach came forward.

But after Ms Gray passed information to officers, they launched their own inquiry.

Ms Gray released an interim report, stating there had been a “failure of leadership” in Downing Street.

But her full report will not be released until the Met have concluded their investigation.

Among those already issued fines is the government’s former head of ethics Helen MacNamara, who received a fine – known officially as a fixed-penalty notice – for attending a leaving party in the Cabinet Office in June 2020.

Sources have told the BBC that some fines had also been given to people who attended a leaving party in Downing Street on 16 April 2021 – the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral.

Those who receive fines can either pay within 28 days or contest the police decision.

If they contest the fine, police will review the case and then either withdraw the penalty or take the matter to court.

Fixed-penalty notices for breaking Covid laws do not result in a criminal record.

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