How to promote cordial working relationship between regular policemen and Spy policemen to tackle challenges of insecurity, by DCP Garba




The Representative of Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command.

Representative of DC ‘A’ Lagos State Command.

Area Commanders here Present

DPOS here present.

Senior police Officers present.

Special Guests of honor.

Invited Guests.

Members of the press.

1. It is my pleasure to be part of this very special occasion this evening. This gathering is coming at an appropriate time when all hands must be on deck to find a workable solution to the problem of insecurity in our country today.

2. The purpose of this occasion this evening, is not only to promote a cordial working relationship between the regular police officers and the supernumerary police officers, but also to enlighten ourselves about spy police establishment.

3. It should be noted that Police Act and Regulations made its provisions very clear on the appointment and training of the Supernumerary Police Officer as members of the Force. These provisions are in Part iii General Administration, section 18,19,20,21 and section 22 all adducing to the fact that Spy Scheme is an integral part of the Nigeria Police Force. This is a fact that many of our officers/Men are not aware of thereby causing misunderstanding when they meet one another.

4. Infact even me, before I was posted to Police Training School, Ikeja, as the Commandants, I knew little or nothing about the status of the Supernumerary Police establishment even though the Act has been there me, I used to read it but never given it a special attention to know about it until I became the Commandant PTS IKEJA.

5. I have realised that the whole idea of SPY Police Scheme is not only about training men and posting them to banks and oil companies, but it is all about community safety partnership with the regular policemen wherever they work. That is why the Police Act gives the power of supervision of Spy policemen to the Area Command or Division, within their jurisdiction.
6. So, one of the objectives of this gathering is to see how regular policemen and Spy policemen can work together for the overall good of our national security. There is need to partner with each other and share ideas, knowledge and experiences, on how best to tackle the challenges of insecurity in our various communities.

7. On our own part, we have been posting supernumerary police officers after their training, to Area Commands, Divisions and formations on voluntary basis since 2016, towards safety and security of Lagos state, in line with the understanding, between the police training school Ikeja and the Lagos state police ccmmand.

8. I will like to use this forum to urge the Area commanders present here, to pass this message to your DOPs, to always receive them with open arms, whenever they are posted to them, and deploy them appropriately.

9. This working relationship, I believe, will help bridge the gap between the supernumerary police and regular police officers, and help erase the misunderstanding between us.

I thank you all, for honouring the occasion.

– The Commandant of Police Training School, Ikeja, DCP Musa Yusuf Garba (fisn, iips, csp)

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