Timothy Adegoke : Wife weeps in court as she shares last moments with him


Bolatito, wife of late Timothy Adegoke, an Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Masters student, who was allegedly murdered in Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Ile-Ife on Monday wept uncontrollably while testifying before the Osun State High Court in the ongoing trial of her husband’s death.

The widow who cried for justice on her husband’s death refused to be consoled for a few minutes before she later got herself composed for her testimony in court.

She earlier refused to answer a question posed to her by K. K. Eleja (SAN), counsel to Adedoyin during cross-examination and this forced the court to stand down the trial and the judge advised the prosecution to caution the witness.

Tears flowed from Bolatito’s eyes while testifying after being led in evidence by the prosecutor, Ochogwe before the presiding judge, Justice Oyebola Adepele Ojo.

Justice Adepele, however, assured the witness of justice but maintained that she cannot get justice if she refuses to answer questions put before her.

“My husband doesn’t joke with his family. When he was going he arrived at the airport, he called me that he was at the Abuja airport. He had a meeting with tax officers in Ibadan. He was carrying a leather box which he said he would not want to go with to Ife.

“I called a friend named Iyabo Ogeji at Akure to collect the leather box from him. He called me that my friend has collected the leather box from him and my friend also called to confirm. When he arrived at Hilton Hotel in Ife, he called me again. At about 8 pm, I called him to report one of our children to him.

“He told me that I should not worry that he wants to wake up by 12 to read. He said we will talk later. My husband used to call me before he goes for an exam, but on Saturday 6th November 2021, I did not see his call.

“I called him more than three times. I was worried and I told my children and started weeping because the issue of kidnapping is rampant in Nigeria. Since that time I continued calling his phone till around 4 pm. When he did not respond to the calls I informed one of our church shepherds in Abuja.

“He consoled me that I should be patient, but I told him that such a thing has never happened since our marriage. I informed his office about the situation. On Sunday, 8th November 2021 around 5 pm, I called one of my husband’s sisters in Osogbo.

“I told her to help me check my husband at the exam hall. I also called one of his friends chartered accountant and he called his friend at Ile-Ife to check the hotel and exam hall. I told them that he lodged at Hilton Hotel.

“When they checked Hilton, they said nobody bears that name that lodged in the hotel. I checked that document of my husband in Abuja and I saw the previous receipt of the Hilton Hotel. I snapped and sent it to my people who are in Ife. The police used the receipt to conduct their investigation. I later reported at the police station where I wrote a statement and signed it,” she said.

(Nigerian Tribune)

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