We’ve lost faith in Nigeria — Prof Osundare


Celebrated poet laureate Prof Niyi Osundare has stated that many people have lost hope in Nigeria.

The distinguished Professor of English at the University of New Orleans lamented the absence of good governance and developmental strides.

He spoke at An Evening with Professor Osundare in Lagos.

The event saw the poet reading from his latest collections of poems entitled Green: Sighs of our Ailing Planet and Snapsongs.

Osundare, widely revered for his lyrical lines and verses, is one of the highly celebrated poets of his generation.

Lamenting over the state of the nation, he said: “We don’t have a government in Nigeria. We have lost faith in this country. Where is the government of Nigeria? I don’t have the answer. If any of you know where our government is, please tell me. Nigeria is a banana republic, but we don’t even have enough bananas to eat.”

Osundare also raised the alarm over the number of young Nigerians ready to stake their lives to relocate abroad for greener pasture.

According to him, “Four out of every five young men and women I meet in this country are trying to find their way out. When you look at what is happening in our country today, clearly everybody is trying to run away. Do I blame them? No, not at all! It is our rulers who don’t even feel this is alarming. I don’t think they love this country. The streets of America, Britain and France are not filled with gold.”

(The Nation)

1 thought on “We’ve lost faith in Nigeria — Prof Osundare

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