My persecutors planned to drug, undress, film me among prostitutes — Mbaka


Fiery Catholic priest and founder of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has said that his sudden disappearance some time in 2021 was meant to hack him to death by those he said were persecuting him.

The cleric also said that the plan was to take and drug him, undress him before prostitutes and film him where he would be seen frolicking with prostitutes before hacking him to death.

Mbaka also said that he never asked anyone to vote for Muhammadu Buhari as the president of Nigeria during his 2015 prophecy.

Mbaka was invited to the Bishop’s Court after asking President Muhammadu Buhari to resign or be impeached in May last year with the presidency firing back and alleging that the cleric was angry because he sought to secure contracts from the Buhari-led government and was denied

During his invitation to the Bishop’s Court, his phones went off and nothing was heard from him after several hours, a development that forced his followers to besiege the Bishop’s Court and demand his immediate release.

Explaining what happened in that incident in his 2022 New Year message during the cross over night at the Adoration Ground, Emene, Enugu, Mbaka said the people who caused his disappearance wanted to give him the Nnamdi Kanu treatment.

He told the congregation, “The day you went on rampage looking for me, they would have killed me that night.

“The way they took Nnamdi Kanu was what they planned to do to me. They would have picked me up and drugged me and I would be acting under the influence of that drug.

“But the Holy Spirit already gave me an order on Sunday night. It is that kind of order that is called ‘supernatural mandamus’. The Holy Spirit told me never to park in a place for 20 minutes. You know I was given an order not to come into this adoration ground for 30 days.

“I was invited for a meeting and on my arrival, I noticed that it was a panel that was sitting about me. It was on that panel that I was ordered not to conduct adoration again for 30 days. They also said that I shouldn’t come into my house for 30 days. I told them that I didn’t have any toiletries, took brush and even money to buy them and that I would need to get home to pick some things before going but they refused and yet, I obeyed.

“But the Holy Spirit told me to be careful with my obedience and never to park anyhow. I never knew that the Holy Spirit already knew that I was under watch. I parked my car in front of St. Joseph and I went to pray for like 15 to 20 minutes. I never knew they were tracking me that night.

“Before the next morning when you people started looking for me, their plan was immediately they picked me up, they would take me to Cubana Junction where they would parade me among prostitutes. They would also show a video where I was frolicking with the prostitutes. The question would have been: what was Mbaka doing in this kind of place?

“From Cubana, they would have taken me to the one in front of Igboeze where prostitutes also stay. This was where they had planned to undress me. The question would have been, what was he doing there naked.”

The priest disclosed that the grand plan was to take him to Abuja and kill me along the road.

He however withdrew the apologies he gave to Enugu Catholic Bishop, Callistus Onaga, after his disappearance last year, saying the reverse should be the case.

His words: “I was apologizing after everything that happened. But two days ago, I was asking myself, why should I apologise to anyone? I shouldn’t have apologised at all. They should be the ones to apologise to me because they wronged me.

“They should be very careful, otherwise they will get the treatment my uncle got for always beating my father before us and his children when I was still a little boy.

“This uncle kept beating my father till he lost one of his teeth as a result of the constant beatings. And on each occasion, my father would keep crying and I would do nothing because I was still a young boy.

“When I entered secondary school, I joined Taekwondo training to enable me to gather enough skills and tactics to fight back for my father. I was still leading Block Rosary and Charismatic very well.

“It was after I was ordained a deacon that my uncle beat a tooth out of my father’s mouth. In my uncle’s mind, I would still do nothing about that because I was already a deacon. But I returned home to teach my uncle a great lesson he never forgot in his lifetime. I used him to show off my taekwondo skills and he found himself crying and begging for forgiveness.

“So, I’m begging those who have set out to persecute Mbaka to leave me alone. I’m over obedient (to the authorities of the church). If you ask me to kneel down, I will lie down. But, will my children (members of adoration) watch me lying down? That is the problem. Look at the crowd here (over hundred thousand worshippers). It is no longer Mbaka that is being persecuted. Nothing is too much to fight for a father.

“I’m pleading that 2022 should be a year of peace. Fr. Mbaka has continued to embrace peace to the extent of mounting the kind of a giant billboard in front of the ministry. The Pope’s picture and all the bishops are there. Someone who is doing all this, do you still think he is quarreling with anyone?

“Anyone persecuting me and this Adoration Ministry is persecuting the Holy Spirit. He should be ready to bear any consequences that follow.

“From the one room I was given at Umuchigbo, God has given us a place (Adoration Ministry) he wants us to stay. This ground was an evil forest. I know what I did to remove the various deities in this forest before making it inhabitable.

“People should stop attacking this Ministry. It is where Igbos are getting their liberation. It is where souls are liberated.”

With the over hundred thousand participants in the adoration ground on Friday night, Mbaka said even the Pope would be proud of the Ministry and do everything possible to protect it.

“Why can’t the church appreciate what she has? What kind of fight is this? The worst is that some priests are joining in this rubbish. Priests should not create ‘anti-clericalism’ because the lay people will soon begin to insult and attack them,” he said.

The cleric who intensified prayers for the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in 2022, saying he sees the IPOB leader as his son.

He however pleaded with fellow priests to stop castigating him for praying for and blessing Kanu over his travail.

Mbaka said: “I’m begging my fellow priests to stop condemning me for praying for Nnamdi Kanu. I am not closing any priest’s mouth and nobody should close my own. If I use my mouth to bless Nnamdi Kanu and you don’t like it, please use your own mouth to curse him. Leave me to bless him.

“I see Nnamdi Kanu as my son. Every Igbo man and woman is my child. You may not understand the spiritual authority I have on this land.

“If as a church, we can be praying for Nigeria in distress, nobody can stop us from praying for Nnamdi Kanu and our brothers in distress.

“This year will be for Kanu and those held for agitations. God will show them mercy this year.”

He thanked his followers for treating him as their shepherd, saying, “I thank you all for listening to me as you rampaged and were about to destroy things. But immediately I called on you to be calm, you calmed down and avoided destruction of things. I’m happy for your obedience.

“We haven’t done anything wrong. They’re just trying to touch the tail of the lion. They should know that such an action has serious consequences.

“They should look for those who are disturbing them. We’re not disturbing anyone. In fact, we have never come to this ground to say anything bad about our bishop. We have never said any bad prayer against the bishop. Every time we remember him, it is blessings all through that we declare for him.

“So, someone I call father should treat me equally as a son. You can’t push somebody to the level of rebellion. It will look ridiculous for you to experience what happened to my uncle who beat out one of my father’s teeth, I used him to show off my taekwondo and judo skills. And people couldn’t believe that a man on his way to becoming a priest could act like that.

“I’m the kind of priest the society needs. When the masses are being maltreated, he speaks. If you are a governor, you already know that you must do well.”

He used the opportunity to correct the impression people had about his 2015 prophecy on Buhari’s presidency.

According to him, “When I said that Buhari would be president, I didn’t tell anyone to vote for Buhari. But people were just quoting me out of context. I told you that it was revealed to me that Buhari would be president. That it was revealed to me doesn’t mean that you should vote for him. What it meant was that whether you voted or not, Buhari would emerge as president. It’s a vision. I also said that if he began to mess up that I would attack him. He started messing up and I started attacking him. And people were saying that I was insulting the president.” (The Nation)

3 thoughts on “My persecutors planned to drug, undress, film me among prostitutes — Mbaka

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