Housewife is full time payable engagement — Kenyan court


Kenyan High Court has reportedly declared being a housewife a fulltime job that should attract some form of compensation.

The judge, Teresia Matheka, who was presiding over a matrimonial property dispute, stated that it is unfair for courts to rule that housewives do not contribute anything to the financial progress of the family.

She said, “It is easy for the spouse working away from home and sending money to lay claim to the whole property purchased and developed with that money by the spouse staying at home and taking care of the children and the family. That spouse will be heard to say that the other one was not employed so they contributed nothing.

“Raising children is a full-time job that families pay a person to do. Cooking and cleaning as well. Hence, for a woman in employment who has to balance childbearing and rearing this contribution must be considered,” she held

According to reports gathered, the complainant is a divorced lady who sought to have their family property sold and the money shared equally between her and her ex-husband

(Daily Independent)

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