The police in Jigawa have confirmed the death of 14 persons in an auto crash in Ringim Local Government Area of the state.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Jigawa Police Command, ASP Lawan Shiisu, confirmed the incident to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Dutse.

Shiisu said the accident occurred on Monday at about 7:40 pm, along Ringim-Kano road.

He said eight others were injured in the accident that occurred at Kwanar Gerawa area of Ringim LGA.

“On August 16, at about 1940hrs a fatal motor accident occurred that involved a Golf-3 car with registration number BH 628 DKA driven by one Magaji Yakubu of Timbau village in Gezawa LGA of Kano State.

“Yakubu, who was heading to Ringim, had head on collision with another oncoming Golf-3 vehicle with registration number TRN 541 AA driven by one Usman Isyaku of Dausayi village, also in Gezawa.

“The accident occurred at Kwanar Gerawa and both vehicles were carrying passengers. And a result, 14 passengers, comprising seven males and seven females lost their lives,” Shiisu said.

He identified the females deceased as Zainab Hamza, 35; Hauwa Hamza, 50, Gadatu Adamu, 40, Bilkisu Harisu, 25, Ilham kamilu, 27, Bilkisu kamilu, 25 and Hajjo Yusuf, 60.

The Spokesman further gave the names of the male deceased as Usman Isiyaku, 38; Nura Umar 35, Abdullahi Yahaya, 40, Adamu Ahmad, 30, Abdullahi Garba, 30 and Yawale Salihu, 7.

According to him, the eight injured passengers are currently receiving treatment at General Hospital, Ringim. (NAN)

40 thoughts on “14 killed in Jigawa auto crash

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