Abductors of Zamfara college students demand N350 million 

The abductors of the students and staff of the College of Agriculture and Animal Science, Bakura in Zamfara State are demanding N350 million for their release.
The provost of the college Habibu Mainasara confirmed this to Channels Television on Tuesday.
He said a total of 20 people were abducted, including 15 students, 4 staff, and a driver.
The gunmen had stormed the institution around 11 pm on Sunday and kidnapped the students and staff of the college.
During the attack, the gunmen killed two watchmen and a police officer.
Meanwhile, the Zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle, had promised to secure the release of the victims of the latest abduction by bandits in the state.
In a statement by his spokesman, Yusuf Gusau, on Monday, he condemned the attack on the College of Agriculture and Animal Science, Bakura.
“Governor Matawalle who is seriously saddened with the resurgence of school abduction in the state by recalcitrant bandits is, however, thankful to God for the prompt response of the security agencies to the school to reinforce the already stationed security at the school which also led to the successful rescue of three out of the four abducted staff of the institution,” the statement said.
“The governor directed the security operatives in the state to intensify efforts and rescue all the abductees, promising to do everything humanly possible to rescue them unhurt.”
According to Governor Matawalle, the state government has continued to strengthen efforts of providing security to all schools across the state since the abduction of the schoolgirls in Jangebe.
He commended the immediate action of the security agencies to launch search and rescue strategies to ensure the safe return of the abducted students and staff still in captivity.
The governor also made an appeal to residents of the state to remain calm, saying the government was taking all the necessary steps to restore normalcy in the area.
He, however, urged inhabitants to cooperate with the security agencies deployed in the area by providing them with useful information that could lead to the rescue of the victims.
Governor Matawalle called on the people to intensify prayers for an end to all criminal activities in the state and the nation at large. (Channels TV)

17 thoughts on “Abductors of Zamfara college students demand N350 million 

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