49 native doctors to serve in Biafra administration — EYN Convener




The Convener of Eastern Youth Network (EYN), Dr Charles Amanze, says 49 native doctors would be recruited to serve in the administration of the emerging Biafra nation.

Dr Amanze, who disclosed this in an interview in Umuahia on Thursday, explained that the native doctors would serve as spiritual directors in the new Biafra that is being expected to emerge.

The EYN Convener said the gods have entrusted upon him the task of setting up the foundation of the Eastern Nation (Biafra) administration in its proper state. He explained that the involvement of the native doctors stems from the directive he received to establish a government based on the culture and tradition of the Ndigbo.

His words: “I am the Convener of Eastern Youth Network (EYN), a body organised as instructed by the gods to propel the government of our expected nation: Biafra, as people may call it or Eastern Nation as the gods may address it; which is between the borders of Upper Niger and Lower Niger, that is the territory of the East.

“I did not choose to run, or to establish or to walk on this path. I was called and was reminded that for this purpose I was born. I had a physical encounter with the God that Moses saw who identified Himself to me. When I asked him, who are you? And he said he is the God of my ancestors. And I said, to what name would you be addressed and he said I am Amadioha. I said I am familiar with that name and he said I am the God that Moses saw; the God that gave Moses assignment to free children of Israel from Egypt.

“The same assignment have you been born to carry out: to set up the foundation of the Eastern Nation in its proper state and the outline of the operation was given to me and I was charged with the duty to see that reconciliation is properly carried out in the environment.”

Amanze, on May 29, 2021, made proclamations in Umuahia, saying that the gods have made him the High Prince Ugochinyerenwa Amadioha Nsirimo and have given him the Staff of Office, which is above every other political administrative office.

He therefore said that the office he was authorized by the gods to establish would based on the tradition of the people.

According to Amanze, “The Eastern Nation is a nation founded upon the authority of the Prince and Princesses. Our ancient system of governance is not political. And in this modern day of political movement, we need to institutionalize all structures as pertaining to the pillars in formation of this great structure (nation) that we are expecting and these pillars must be founded upon Prince and Princesses.

“That is why in our proclamation, we said that the gods have ordered that all native doctors will form the office of the High Prince. Each native doctor must have a specific work that he does. For example, I might be a native doctor and my duty is to remove witchcraft and another native doctor, his duty might be only the conferment of Ofo.

“So each native doctor has a specific assignment. 49 of those native doctors specifically assigned for a purpose, of which when they gather, I will identify them one by one; will form the office of the High Prince, standing the 49 chalice angels in person, just as Jesus Christ came and he stood the 12 Angels in person by the 12 disciples.

“The temple, the formation of this kingdom falls under the 49 strong and assigned native doctors to assist the High Prince in the spiritual aspect of the operation before we come to the Council of Elders which will be formation of kings; before we now come down to the  administrative aspect of it proper.

“So, the formation of the Eastern nation (Biafra) government is in stages. At this time, we are reconciling and teaching our people to understand that our nation must be founded upon the root of our culture, our tradition, our religion.”

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