Obaseki sent Shaibu a birthday surprise, and Shaibu is grateful.


On the occasion of Governor Godwin Obaseki’s 54th birthday, the deputy governor of Edo state, Philip Shaibu, thanked the governor for the unexpected greeting.

On his birthday, Shaibu received many kind wishes, and he wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness. I am deeply appreciative of your unwavering support for the past seven years, and your generous compliments mean the world to me.


“We have fought many battles side by side throughout the years, and I am pleased to have done what was right by standing by your side.


My devotion to you and your office will never fade, I promise. Your exemplary behaviour as a senior brother has always meant the world to me, and for that I am always grateful.


Please know that my respect for you and your office remains unshaken, despite the fact that fifth columnists have made it their mission to sow discord between us. Putting Edo state and its people first is our mandate, and I will not budge from that.


Additionally, the deputy governor of Edo hoped that Obaseki would remain physically and mentally healthy.


Obaseki had previously expressed his congratulations to Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu, whose brother is the Deputy Governor of Edo State, on his 54th birthday. Over the previous seven years, we have been fighting for our state’s development, and I am incredibly grateful for his support.


I would also like to thank him for the enthusiasm and drive he displayed when our government set out to transform Edo State through development and revolutionary change.


“In addition to his significant contributions to this administration, he has consistently demonstrated exceptional qualities as a husband, father, and a wonderful family man.”


Obaseki also sent best wishes for Shaibu’s continued physical and mental well-being.


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