We don’t deny opposition parties venues for campaigns — Gov Sule



Governor Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa State on Friday said that he administration does not deny opposition political parties venues to carryout out their campaigns.


The governor also said that the All Progressives Congress, APC, will win all positions in the forthcoming general elections from the presidency to the positions in the state.


Governor Sule spoke to State House correspondents after meeting behind closed-doors with President Muhammadu Buhari at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.


Fielding question on how charged is the political space in Nasarawa state in view of the upcoming elections, the governor said, “In Nasarawa the political space is not charged, it’s cool, so I don’t know about ‘charged’. There’s nothing wrong with the political space being charged, I think it’s the right thing to do, it’s a political period, it’s the era where things will be charged, it’s the era where politicians will go out there, trying to sell themselves and I think it’s a it’s a good thing that is happening, it’s not anything negative.


“I commend the politicians in Nasarawa State, so far, I don’t know about so many other places, for the kind of politics that we have been able to play. So far we have not had so much negative campaigns against each other in Nasarawa and for us as a state, we try as much as possible to be fair to the other politicians, the era of denying somebody venue and doing all those kinds of things… we don’t do that.


“The same venue where APC did our own campaign rally that is the same venue we have offered to every political party that has come to us, with the exception of Labour Party. When Labour Party came, the place was not available, it was being used at that time, on that day by some religious groups and they could see that it was actually being used, but we were able to give them another site. But any other political party that has come so far, we have given them the same venue because we want to be fair to everybody to play clean politics and at the end of the day, whoever God says will be leader will be a leader.”


Asked on the chances of his party, APC winning, he said, “The chances are bright, our chances are excellent, both at the national and at the state levels. For us in Nasarawa, I can speak mostly for Nasarawa the three senators happen to be from the same party, the governor from the same party, 20 out of the 24 members of House of Assembly, all APC.


We have done the best we can for the state and I think people appreciate that. So for that reason we think our chances are excellent and we strongly believe we should be able to win the election.”


On why he met the President, Governor Sule said, “I’m in the Villa to see Mr. President to express our appreciating to Mr. President for our teaching hospital that has been approved for Lafia in Nasarawa State. To also express appreciation to him for his support with oil discovery that has just taken place in Nasarawa State, that is going to have the first oil and start operation in the next few days.


“To thank him for the support that we continue to receive, especially in the area of security that Nasarawa State continues to enjoy. To thank him also for the support with the setting up of the Agricultural Machinery Institute, that is almost completed right now in Nasarawa State, which Mr. President personally came in to be the one to who will inaugurate it.


“Also to prepare for his coming to Nasarawa State on the 4th of February, so I have so many things on the table that make it necessary for me to see Mr. President. That’s why I’ve come.”


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