Ortom sympathises with lawmakers, others involved in auto crash



The victims who were on the convoy of the Governor were on their way to Igumale, Ado Local Government Area, LGA, for the ongoing Local government campaign rally of the party.


The Governor described the accident as unfortunate, and also expressed appreciation to God that it was not fatal and no life was lost.


In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, National Ikyur, Governor Ortom who spoke shortly after he visited the General Hospital, Igumale where the victims were being treated, directed that they be moved to Otukpo and Makurdi for greater medical attention.


“He also used the moment to caution all drivers on the campaign trail to exercise caution while moving in convoy.”


Among those injured were state lawmakers including William Ortyom representing Guma State Constituency, Geoffrey Agbatse of Gwer-East State Constituency, and Sugh Abanyi of Kwande West State Constituency.


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