My Handing Over Power On May 29 Remains Sacrosanct — Buhari



President Muhammadu Buhari has reiterated his commitment to hand­ing over leadership to an elected president on May 29, next year.


He said his term in office will end on that day in line with the constitu­tional provision.


In a brief remark to Mr. Shakib Ben Musa, the Minister of National Education, Pre-School and Sports of the Kingdom of Morocco, who visited the State House as Special Envoy of King Mohammed the VI, President Buhari said his term of office will end with the inauguration of a new president in May, next year.


He, however, said that he will study the message sent and respond accordingly, giving assurances at the same time that he will continue to cherish and strengthen the very warm and cordial relations between the two coun­tries. ­


Accompanied by Mr. Moha Ou Ali Tagma, the resident representative of the King­dom in Nigeria, the special en­voy reiterated to the president the friendship and solidarity of the King, the government and people of Morocco with Nigeria.


Buhari Asks Army To Be Neutral, Safeguard Human Rights


Meanwhile, President Mu­hammadu Buhari on Monday in Sokoto asked the Nigerian armed forces to remain apo­litical and continue to operate within the framework of the constitution to ensure the successful conduct of the 2023 general elections.


Declaring open the Chief of Army Staff’s Annual Con­ference 2022, the president urged the army to continue to improve their human rights obligations during operations in line with global best prac­tices.

He also pledged that the modernisation drive of the Nigerian armed forces would be vigorously sustained, in­cluding the fast-track of the activation of the Nigerian Army Aviation.


On human rights, the pres­ident described improved obligations by security agen­cies on this issue as “the major pathway for winning the hearts and minds of the people.”


On the 2023 polls, the presi­dent noted that it is imperative that the army and the armed forces in general support the civil authority by providing a peaceful environment to enable its successful conduct.


He expressed delight that the Chief of Army Staff has already issued a reviewed rules of engagement and code of conduct to guide personnel during the general elections.


“The professionalism you exhibited in the successful conduct of the Anambra, Osun and Ekiti states elec­tions should also be reflected in the 2023 general elections,” he said.


On the theme of the confer­ence, ‘Building a Professional Nigerian Army for 21st Cen­tury Security Environment’, the president challenged the army to focus on consoli­dating on the achievements made so far and ensure con­tinuity to improve the coun­try’s security situation.


He also tasked them to evolve enduring strategies that will consolidate their ef­forts in securing the country.


“As a key element of our national power, the Nigeri­an army will continue to be a major catalyst for our de­velopment especially by pro­viding the needed aid to civil authority.


“This administration has therefore maintained a robust policy towards modernisation of the Nigerian army and the armed forces in general.


“It is evident that the on­going progressive moderni­sation of the Nigerian army under our administration has greatly improved the capabili­ties as well as combat efficien­cy of the service to discharge its roles,” he said.


President Buhari com­mended the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya and other ser­vice chiefs as well as heads of various security agencies for their determination and improved synergy in accom­plishing his directives.


He expressed confidence that the renewed vigour and standard injected in opera­tions as well as the collective resolve and improved civ­il-military relations would engender lasting peace and stability in the country.


The president reiterated that the provision of security to Nigerians would continue to receive premium attention by the administration, adding that deliberate actions are ongoing to provide the nec­essary support to enhance national security.


Citing numerous equip­ment and facilities provided to boost the capability of the Nigerian armed forces, the president pledged that special intervention will be made to fast-track the activation of the Nigerian Army Aviation.


“Additionally, is the acqui­sition of platforms for the Army Aviation which has been considered in the 2023 budget.


“This modernisation drive would be vigorously sustained as efforts are also being made to reform our in­digenous military industrial complex, through partner­ship with our allies.


“I am optimistic that this objective will be achieved soon to make us self-reliant in meeting our defence needs,” he said.


President Buhari urged the military to maintain the tempo in all theatres and double efforts in information gathering to comprehensive­ly defeat all forms of security threats facing the nation.


Acknowledging the suc­cesses achieved by the army through the conduct of var­ious training exercises such as Restore Hope, Fast Bolt, Still Waters, Enduring Peace, Golden Dawn, among others, the president stated that these have continued to improve the readiness of troops to check­mate various threats across the country.


“I must also commend you on the tremendous successes achieved in the war against terrorism, particularly in the North-East region.


“The positive feedback I have been receiving reflects that an appreciable level of stability is being attained in the region.


“Furthermore, the in­creased instances of surren­der by terrorists is an indi­cation of your resilience and resolve to bring lasting peace to the North-East.


“By the same token, your contribution to curtailing the youth restiveness and seces­sionist struggle in the South- East as well as banditry in the North-Central and North- West regions are laudable.


“This could be attributed to conduct of intelligence driv­en operations and improved synergy amongst the securi­ty agencies in the country,” he said.


The president told the no fewer than 500 delegates at­tending the conference that the country remains grateful to members of the Nigerian armed forces for their selfless services and sacrifices to the country.


“We will forever be indebt­ed to the officers and soldiers that paid the supreme price while defending Nigeria.


“The government will con­tinue to cater for the families of the fallen heroes as efforts are also sustained to improve the general welfare of the per­sonnel through the provision of better amenities and pro­grammes,” he pledged.


At the event, President Bu­hari presented the Nigerian Army Recognition Awards to six Nigerians including the chairman of BUA Group, Ab­dul Samad Rabiu; the founder and president of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, and the Comptroller-General of Cus­toms, Col. Hameed Ali (rtd.).


Others are the founder and chairman, Zenith Bank Plc, Jim Ovia; the chairman of Heirs Holdings, United Bank for Africa Plc and Transcorp Nigeria Plc, Tony Elumelu, and the immediate past Ni­gerian ambassador to Benin Republic and former Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai (rtd.).


Governor Aminu Tambu­wal of Sokoto State thanked the president for attending the conference in person, while commending the collective contribution of the service chiefs, the Inspector-General of Police, the heads of securi­ty and intelligence agencies towards improving security in the North-West region of the country.


Earlier, the president, accompanied by Governor Tambuwal, paid homage to the Sultan of Sokoto, Muham­mad Saa’d Abubakar III.


In his remarks at the pal­ace, the Sultan commended President Buhari for making mother tongue a compulsory medium of instruction from Primary 1 to 6.


The Sultan also lauded the Buhari administration for the return of the teaching of his­tory at the basic educational level in the country.


“We want to thank you for actualising these two great policies that we have been clamouring for several years. The teaching of our children in our indigenous languages is very important and we have always clamoured for it.”


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