Missing Nigerian student in Northern Cyprus



The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) has reported a 28-year-old young Nigerian male student missing in Northern Cyprus his disappearance wa noted since the 2 August 2022.

In a statement issued in Abuja the commission said this by its Head of Media, Public Relations and Protocol, Mr Abdur-Rahman Balogun.

Balogun rendered his assurances  that everytging possible would be done to locate and bring the missing young man by name Ibraheem back to Nigeria.

Bassi, however, reminded her that diplomatic services would be difficult because Nigeria and the United Nations had no diplomatic relations with Northern Cyprus.

He, however, assured her that further investigation would be carried out by the Commission in conjunction with the Nigeria Embassy in Ankara, Turkey.

He reiterated the earlier advisory given by the Commission against sending students to Northern Cyprus due to negative reports from there, especially from students.

Turkey’s Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Hidayet Bayraktar on Thursday issued an open letter describing the advisory by the Commission as exaggerated.

NiDCOM, however, responded by releasing the list of Nigerians murdered in Northern Cyprus within three years. (NAN)

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