Seized Goods Overflowing in Customs warehouses




The two government  warehouses meant for storage of seized contraband items at the Federal Operations Unit, FOU, Zone “A” of the Nigeria Customs Service, NCS, are now overflowing with seized thousands of bags of imported rice.

Other seized items at the government warehouses in Ikeja are imported cloths, foot wears, vegetable oils, motor-cycles among others. Also imported fairly used vehicles including trailers used to convey smuggled items have overtaken the surroundings of the warehouses.


Some of the vehicles and other items have deteriorated while other items, some of which have been at the warehouse for over 10 years have become major environmental hazard.


Our Maritime Reporter  visited the Ikeja office bags of seized imported rice were dumped along the corridors and sides of some of the office blocks.


Customs Area Controller, CAC of FOU, Zone A, Hussein Ejibunu, said that the situation has been reported to the headquarters, stressing that they are looking into the issue.


Ejibunu said that the Customs headquarters have assured that action will be taken on the issue soon.


Speaking with  Vanguard Maritime Report,  Register of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders, NAGAFF, Academy, Francis Omotoso, said he is not bordered about where they keep the seized items.


He said what is important is that Service ensure that they are thorough in carrying out their duty so as not to seize goods belonging to innocent Nigerians.


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