Trust: An Important Key in a Relationship




Jay, a relationship counsellor always emphasized the importance of trust to a relationship. He made this known to his clients and wherever he was invited to speak. He spoke about his past relationship and how he distrusted his partner to the extent of secretly following her, and embarrassing her sometimes. And it ended his relationship because no matter the assurance his lover gave him, it wasn’t enough to clear his suspension which wasn’t true. Later, he realized the extent to which his lack of trust destroyed his relationship.

A lot of people are like Jay (his past), they forget how important trust is to a relationship. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It’s the building block of love, without it, a relationship is bound to fail. No matter how you claim to love a person, you have the trust the person to be loyal to you. Trust shouldn’t be one-sided. It takes two people trusting each other to build a strong relationship.

Why Is Trust Important In A Relationship?

1) It’s a key to ever-growing love: Trust helps love to grow. When your partner knows that you are trustworthy and you have his or her interest at heart, there is a feeling of safety. You become part of your partner’s priorities.

2) It Gives Assurance: Trust assures you that your partner loves you and wouldn’t like to hurt you. Since it’s the foundation of your relationship, it won’t be shaky but stand the test of time.

3) Trust helps to overcome challenges: Challenges or differences may set in but with trust, overcoming is sure. There would be forgiveness and no suspicions about what your partner does with others.

4) Comfortability and Confidence: You become comfortable and confident with each other. It is possible to have open conversations, where you can share secrets and fears. This comfortability and love also extend to the friends and family of your partner. Both of you can mingle with each other’s family and friends freely because you have clear intentions.

5) It teaches you about distance and personal time: In the case of distance, you won’t feel so insecure, even when giving your partner space, you would still feel safe and be a priority. It builds closeness in relationships despite distance or any other challenge.

Trust is earned, it doesn’t just happen. It involves time, mutual effort and commitment to do the right thing. It is not a job for one person but the two people involved. Some ways to build trust are:

1) Forgive each other: Always forgive. Do not hold on to past grudges and do not bring up the past during present fights. When your partner admits his or her mistake, forgive and forget.

2) Clear your doubts: If you doubt your spouse on any issue. Ask and clarify it. Do not hold on to it.

3) Own up to your mistakes: No one is perfect or above mistakes, so when you make one, admit it. Do not cover it, because when your partner finds out it may not turn out well. If you want to build trust, admit your mistakes.

4) Show genuine interest: Try to learn about your partner’s hobbies, likes and dislikes. Ask questions, understand, listen attentively and always communicate with your spouse through any medium available. Act the way you would want your spouse to act. Be joyful, faithful, caring and loving.


Do not betray a person who trusts you. When there is trust, there should be no lies, secrets or doubts. It should be a mutual effort to enable the relationship to flourish. Brandon Cox said “Respect people who trust you. It takes a lot for people to trust you, so treat their trust like precious porcelain.”

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