Angry PAP students mobilise for anti-Dikio protest




Students of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) are getting ready for a peaceful protest to commence by first week of July 2022, to drive home their dissatisfaction over ‘the consistent non-response from the office to the series of letters amidst their cries and pains.

Addressing members of the National Association for Presidential Amnesty Students Worldwide (NAPASW) recently, the National President, Comrade Lucky O.O Ukueku, said they were not deterred by series of “threatening calls and messages from individuals who ordinarily should be at the front stand in this protest.”

He said: “We have come to another critical time in the history of the Presidential Amnesty Program where history would be made by our cooperation and synergy to work for the betterment of the entire students’ community.

“I regret to announce to the students’ community, the cancellation of the proposed trip to BIU and Achievers University due to security reasons.

“At this point, there’s a clarion call for a peaceful protest in the first week of July to bring to light, our cries and pains. This became inevitable due to the consistent non-response from the office to the series of letters sent to them.

“I am urging the student community to have a united front and never to be intimidated. We should not be carried away by their private chatting to divide the students’ community. We must work as a family to protect what our compatriots worked assiduously for with blood and gun. I stand on the ground of lightning in the Niger Delta as my agendum. And I have served in that perspective.

“I believe if we fold our hands, the issues of the students’ community will not improve, in that regard, I urge the support of the student community to go for a peaceful protest. Our national leaders in the region are fully abreast of what is happening to the PAP students’ community.

“I deeply apologize to the students in BIU and Achievers University for canceling the proposed trip, I pray you will understand.

“In well-developed countries like the United States of America, for instance; leaders are seldom engaged, through peaceful protest, to make their grievances known; also our Nigerian law gives allowance to the right of peaceful association. Why then the threatening calls and messages from individuals who ordinarily should be at the front in this protest. I once again urge everyone not to be deterred at this time but to stand strong and united.”

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